2014款的大切诺基SRT是国内最新款,相较于12款和13款,14款摒弃了之前的5速变速箱,升级为8速手自一体变速箱,增加了后桥限滑差速器,舒适性方面天窗改成了全景天窗,增加了方向盘记忆和氙气大灯,音响也升级为哈曼卡顿。 话不所说,开始今天的检测。首先还是检查外观和漆面,一般美系车的漆面相对于其他车系来说数值要高...
↑ 6年前拍摄于广州的一台大切诺基四代高性能SRT8版/Jeep Grand Cherokee WK2SRT82014,为后期款式。 而柴油版车型则搭载了CRD型3.0升V6涡轮增压引擎,马力虽然比汽油版低,但胜在力大无穷,0-100公里/小时加速时间只需8秒左右,比3.6升的汽油版快一点,百公里综合油耗也低了近2升,但就不知能否适应国内油品,可以...
这也是克莱斯勒集团首次将高性能车型引入国内,因此在路上偶遇时,不妨多留几张影像作为纪念。↑ 6年前于广州捕捉到的一辆大切诺基四代高性能SRT8版,即Jeep Grand Cherokee WK2 SRT8 2014款,展现其后期风采。此外,柴油版车型则装配了CRD型3.0升V6涡轮增压引擎,虽在马力上不及汽油版,却以其强大的扭矩和8秒...
Tested: 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT Good Stats Yet shockingly for such a big and heavy vehicle, you do get some impressive numbers. Next to the T-bar shifter of the new-for-2014 eight-speed automatic resides a simple button that allows for launch-control starts. When engaged, the SRT kn...
The 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT, a performance-tuned version of the Grand Cherokee SUV, includes numerous upgrades, from updated styling and a new transmission to new connectivity and safety technologies.
A new SRT-exclusive heated three-spoke steering wheel and two new leather colors—Torque, which is what Jeep is calling black, it seems, and Sepia—are on the roster, too. The 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT will make its in-the-metal debut at the 2013 Detroit auto show before hitting ...
JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE SRT.The article evaluates the Jeep's 2014 Grand Cherokee SRT automobile from Chrysler Group LLC.MustoMikeRoad & Track
JEEP Grand Cherokee SRT 搭载了6.4Lv8,450hp,匹配ZF 8AT JEEP Grand Cherokee Racing Hawk 搭载了...
НеБудитеСпящих - Алкоголики (Single, 2014) 92 人观看 0:06 Янесутортик! 401千次浏览 0:48 Птицысдохли,деревьяупали, ментыубежали Давидычуехал Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT 2014 3.3...
纯正,美式大V8 丨 稀有吉普大切/Jeep Grand Cherokee WK SRT-8 ■记录身边有趣的车 或许是汽车技术的逐渐成熟,“高性能量产版”在千禧年前后,开始在各大厂商之间流行开来,作为品牌形象增值点进行研发、推广。来自美国的克莱斯勒集团也没有例外,2004年,该集团通过整合手头资源,推出了SRT部门,为旗下的克莱斯勒...