2016 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRTVehicle type: front-engine, 4-wheel-drive, 5-passenger, 4-door hatchback BASE PRICE$66,690 ENGINE TYPEpushrod 16-valve V-8, iron block and aluminum heads, port fuel injectionDisplacement: 391 in3, 6410 cm3Power: 475 hp @ 6000 rpmTorque: 470 lb-ft @ 4300 ...
The Jeep Grand Cherokee lives up to its name as a larger, enhanced version of the Cherokee. You will pay more for the Grand Cherokee, but there are three available potent engines, as well as a performance-tuned trim: the Grand Cherokee SRT. The Grand Cherokee also has more cargo space,...
JEEP大切诺基SRT是一款和宝马BMW X5M或奔驰Mercedes ML63AMG相似的SUV,6.4升V8发动机,344千瓦/468马力的输出。在出厂状态下,发动机确保了它100公里/小时仅需5秒,最高速度257公里/小时。这台大切诺基SRT安装的是美国ZITO ZS15轮毂,这套ZS15的22寸轮毂也都给奥迪Q2、日产GT-R和路虎揽胜运动版安装过,现在装在...
TypeElectric rack and pinion, SRT-tuned on SRT model Power sourceV-6 4x217.9:1 All other vehicles16.7:1 Turning Diameter (curb-to-curb) (ft.)37.1 Steering Turns (lock-to-lock)V-6 4x23.4 All other vehicles3.2 Wheels and Tires2016 Jeep Grand Cherokee ...
暴力才是王道— —JEEP Grand Cherokee SRT,于2024年11月2日上线。西瓜视频为您提供高清视频,画面清晰、播放流畅,看丰富、高质量视频就上西瓜视频。
JEEP Grand Cherokee SRT 搭载了6.4Lv8,450hp,匹配ZF 8AT JEEP Grand Cherokee Racing Hawk 搭载了...
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The 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT is an exercise in overkill, but its sports-car-rivaling grip and roaring Hemi make it a performance powerhouse.
安装在JEEP大切诺基SRT「Grand Cherokee SRT8」ZS15美国ZITO轮毂 汽车改装帝 1970-01-01 08:00 JEEP大切诺基 SRT是一款和宝马BMW X5M或奔驰Mercedes ML63AMG相似的SUV,6.4升V8发动机,344千瓦/468马力的输出。在出厂状态下,发动机确保了它100公里/小时仅需5秒,最高速度257公里/小时。 这台大切诺基SRT安装的是美国...
2005年前后,是SRT部门开始"工作量增大"的时期,为克莱斯勒Crossfire、300C、道奇Magnum等车型量身打造高性能的SRT版本。也是在这一年,第三代吉普大切WK型的SRT-8版本正式亮相于纽约车展,成为了该品牌的首款“高性能车型”。 ↑吉普大切三代WK型SRT-8版的官图。