CQC-complete quaddratic combination,即完全二次项组合方法,其不光考虑到各个主振型的平方项,而且还考虑到耦合项,对于比较复杂的结构比如考虑平扭耦连的结构使用完全二次项组合的结果比较精确。 SRSS-Square root of sum square method,取各振型反应的平方和的方根作为总反应的振型组合方法。又称均方根法。©...
SRSS method is commonly used and known to give accurate estimates of responses for structures with widely spaced natural frequencies provided that the excitations are stationary random processes and each modal response is considered to be uncorrelated. However, seismic ground motions are not stationary ...
SRSS method for seismic analysis of mixed structure based on improved hysteretic damping model 在线阅读 免费下载 引用 收藏 分享 摘要 混合结构的阻尼矩阵不再满足经典阻尼条件,无法直接采用模态叠加法。迟滞阻尼模型具有每周期耗散能量与外激励频率无关的优点,且时域计算结果稳定收敛,但不满足能量守恒原则。利用...
本文应用瞬变振动理论统一地讨论了后座机构的安全与可靠作用条件,提出冲击响应谱规范法(Shock Response Spectrum Spesificationmethod 筒称 SRSS法),给出按要求的安全性及作用可靠性制定安全谱规范与可靠作用谱规范的方法。指出冲击响应谱规范的两个实际用途:一是定义两个谱规范所包的区域为机构可靠区,给出在可靠区上...
In regard to the combination procedure of the impulsive forces and the convective forces, Eurocode 8 suggests the absolute sum combination procedure of the impulsive forces and the convective forces, while the ACI, NZS, and IS suggest the Square Root Sum of the Squares method (SRSS) [14, 16...
Termination Method Solder Housing Color Natural Product Length (mm) 8(mm) Product Depth (mm) 3.6(mm) Product Height (mm) 4.25(mm) Voltage Rating Max 50VDC/50VAC Pitch (mm) 1(mm) 商品介绍 Conn Shrouded Header (4 Sides) HDR 6 POS 1mm Solder ST Top Entry SMD T/R ; Region : VERICAL...
The Android services injected by the engine take care of calling the run() method at the right time, as well as provide the storing logic. For instance, if you want to make a payload named MyPayload, you might have: packageit.unisannio.srss.dame.android.payloads.mypayload;importit.unisa...
3. Hole dimensions differ according to the kind of PC board and piercing method. 4. If using double-sided through-hole PC board, it is necessary to confirm the resistance to the soldering heat on the PC board to be used and the soldering condition. Single sided paper based phenolic resin...
3. Hole dimensions differ according to the kind of PC board and piercing method. 4. If using double-sided through-hole PC board, it is necessary to confirm the resistance to the soldering heat on the PC board to be used and the soldering condition. Single sided paper based phenolic resin...