CQC-complete quaddratic combination,即完全二次项组合方法,其不光考虑到各个主振型的平方项,而且还考虑到耦合项,对于比较复杂的结构比如考虑平扭耦连的结构使用完全二次项组合的结果比较精确。 SRSS-Square root of sum square method,取各振型反应的平方和的方根作为总反应的振型组合方法。又称均方根法。©...
SRSS method is found to be generally accurate with slight tendency of underestimation, which can be improved by employing proposed modal combination methods. The effects of near-field ground motions are also studied and found to be insignificant.Masato Abe...
In regard to the combination procedure of the impulsive forces and the convective forces, Eurocode 8 suggests the absolute sum combination procedure of the impulsive forces and the convective forces, while the ACI, NZS, and IS suggest the Square Root Sum of the Squares method (SRSS) [14, 16...
A Complete Quadratic Combination (CQC) method is proposed which reduces errors in modal combination in all examples studied. The CQC method degenerates into the SRSS method for systems with well-spaced natural frequencies. Since the CQC method only involves a small increase in numerical effort, it...
Modal combination rulesMode acceleration methodVibration fatigueIn this paper, a more accurate and efficient format of the fatigue response spectrum method is further proposed considering modal truncation error. Firstly, the quasi-static response of higher-order modes is taken into account to modify the...
Our contribution allows the energy autonomy of a drone, thus ensuring a combination of cellular and satellite networks allowing commercial drones to fly quickly and safely in urban areas. A 5G antenna at 60 GHz has been proposed and studied and the simulation results of this one is very ...