Further, your mention of 500 Mbps implies, usually, that amount of bandwidth on a gig (or better) link. If so, for QoS purposes, you generally need to "shape" your egress to the contracted amount, which a 3750 doesn't do very well. That said, these drops on one an internal...
"Shaped or Shared bandwidth weights can be assigned to a queue via the srr-queue bandwidth shape and srr-queue bandwidth share interface commands. Shaped mode weights override shared mode weights and use an inverse ratio (1/weight) to determine the shaping bandwidth for the queue. Furthermore, ...
Cat3750V2の後継機としてCat2960XRを使用しています。 SRR-Queueについての質問です。 srr-queue bandwidth limit 90により、出力パケットの制限設定を入れたのですが、 Cat2960XRではフレーム長によって制限幅に差分がありました。 66byteフレームを100Mbps...