srr-queue bandwidth shape 0 0 0 0 srr-queue bandwidth limit 90 priority-queue out mls qos trust ip-precedence no keepalive arp timeout 0 ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/9 no switchport ip address speed 100
srr-queue bandwidth shape 25 0 0 0 (shaping enabled on q1) srr-queue bandwidth share 25 25 25 25 << change this to default to make it less confusing, this is sharing remaining bandwidth This will shape the Q1 which is priorty queue to 4 Mbps bw if this is Fastethernet (100Mbps) p...
For example, the following interface command srr-queue bandwidth shape 3 0 0 0 would shape Q1 to 1/3 of the available bandwidth and set all other queues to operate in sharing mode." Using the inverse ratio, how am I to get 70% bandwidth shaping for CoS5/DSCP EF ? Thanks in advance,...
The command is supposed to shape traffic to the specified limit e.g. srr-queue bandwidth limit 80 used for a 1000Mbps link is supposed to shape the traffic to a maximum 800Mbps and buffer excess traffic if possible. I have this problem too Labels: Other ...