srq-20 评分标准srq-20 评分标准 SRQ-20(Self-Reporting Questionnaire-20)是一种用于评估心理健康和精神症状的自我报告量表,特别用于检测抑郁症、焦虑症和其他精神疾病的症状。以下是SRQ-20的一般评分标准: 1.对每个问题的回答:针对SRQ-20的20个问题,被评估者需要回答是("Yes")或否("No")。通常,每个问题的"...
This study aims to assess the validity of the Vietnamese version of the 20-item Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) by evaluating its reliability, factorial structure, and performance in detecting common mental disorder (CMD) symptoms, thereby identifying the optimum cut-off sco...
Thus, this study aimed to assess the validity of the WHO self-reporting questionnaire 20 (SRQ-20) in Tigrigna version for use in Eritrean primary health care setting. Methods: The SRQ-20 was translated into a local language (Tigrinya) in a process of forward and backward transla- tion....
1、The Self-Regulation Questionnaires Scale Description | Academic | Prosocial | Health Care | Learning | Exercise | Religion | FriendshipDownload the full packet for the Self-Regulation Questionnaires in a Word fileLearning Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-L)This questionnaire concerns the reasons w...
First, the responses to each item are on a 4-point scale rather than a 7-point scale because we have found that more than 4 possible responses is not optimal for the children who complete the questionnaire who are as young as about 8 years of age. Second, we typically have the ...
A comparison of the validity of two psychiatric screening questionnaires: the Arabic General Health Questionnaire (AGHQ) and Self-Reporting Questionnaire (... This study compared the ability of the Arabic General Health questionnaire (AGHQ) and Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) to screen ICD-10...
srq20评分标准 SRQ-20评分标准 SRQ-20(Self-ReportingQuestionnaire-20)是一种常用于评估精神健康状况的自评量表。它由20个问题组成,用于评估焦虑和抑郁症状的严重程度。下面是SRQ-20的评分标准:1.对于每个问题,被评估者需要选择一个最符合他们目前情况的答案。每个问题的答案都有两个选项,通常为"是"和"否"。...
This study: (1) examined the factor structure of the 20-item Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) and (2) explored gender-related measurement invariance in the SRQ's performance with older adults in Puerto Rico, a U.S. island territory and associate member of the UN Regional Commissions.#...
Husain N, Chaudry N, Rhouma A, Sumra A, Tomenson B, Waheed W.Validation of the self-re- porting questionnaire (SRQ 20) in British Pakistani and white European population in the United Kingdom J Affect Disord 2016:1:392-6.Husain N, Chaudhry N, Rhouma A, Sumra A, Tomenson B, Waheed...
The SelfReported Questionnaire-20 (SRQ-20) is an instrument for screening mental disorders through individual assessment. This study aims to determine the quality of SRQ-20 instrument using Rasch model analysis techniques with the assistance of Jamovi software version 2.3...