SSR- SRG, the Swiss national broadcaster, has released a press release regarding the Eurovision Song Contest 2025 Public Viewing Events. Not everyone in Switzerland will be able to attend the 69th Eurovision Song Contest in Basel and might opt to attend one of the many public viewing events sc...
A Letterbox controller can play any media URN from any SRG SSR business unit. You can also play an SRGMedia if you have one already, for example if you retrieved some media list from the SRGDataProvider library:[self.controller playMedia:media atPosition:nil withPreferredSettings:nil];...
SRG SSR converges to single platform.Publicerviceedia enterpriseRGSR'semit isasednhewissederalonstitution,heederalfficefommunication (OFCOM).RGSR isadepfiveegional Enterprisenitsndixubsidiaries, with 6,000 employees (5,000ull-time equivalents), 18adiotationsndevenelevisionD/HDhannels,s wells web...
The library internally uses theSRG Loggerlibrary for logging, within thech.srgssr.mediaplayersubsystem. This logger either automatically integrates with your own logger, or can be easily integrated with it. Refer to the SRG Logger documentation for more information. ...