This mechanism is most notably useful if you have downloaded a media and want to play the local file instead of the original stream.To override the URL to be played for some URN, set the contentURLOverridingBlock of the controller playing the media. Please refer to the associated ...
SRG SSR converges to single platform.Publicerviceedia enterpriseRGSR'semit isasednhewissederalonstitution,heederalfficefommunication (OFCOM).RGSR isadepfiveegional Enterprisenitsndixubsidiaries, with 6,000 employees (5,000ull-time equivalents), 18adiotationsndevenelevisionD/HDhannels,s wells web...
github "SRGSSR/SRGMediaPlayer-iOS" Then runcarthage update --platform iOSto update the dependencies. You will need to manually add the following.frameworks generated in theCarthage/Build/iOSfolder to your project: libextobjc: A utility framework. ...