检定失败的话将从楼梯上滚落至1d2×5 尺的地方。如果角色检定结果比DC小5或是更多的话将在其结束行动的地点摔倒并受到1d6 点正常伤害。陡梯给予翻滚技能检定的DC+5。 螺旋梯:这种形式的阶梯使防御变得更加容易。角色在面对下方的敌人时可以蹲下并利用楼梯角度获得掩蔽。 扶手与矮墙:大型房间中的阶梯往往会...
平民(COMMONER) 生命骰数: d4。 本职技能 平民的本职技能如下 (括号中为该技能的关键属性): 攀爬 (力量),手艺(智力), 驯养动物(魅力),跳跃(力量),聆听(感知),专业(感知),骑术 (敏捷),侦察(感知),游泳(力量),绳技(敏捷)。 2楼2006-01-20 22:18 回复 ...
台湾`东亚电器`东亚牌`TOA`电器公司`日光灯管 FL-10Y FL-20Y FL-20W-NEX FS42401H FL40D/38 FL20-18W FL20BL EFHS13D-2 EFS21L-G1 FL-15D FL10D/T8 FL20Y-IC 18W FL40LEX-38 FL10D/T8 L20D/18 FL40D/38太阳神灯管FL40L-EX/38 40w T8/G13 FL40D/38,FL40DEX/38.FL30D/29,FL20DEX...
Resistance Check = d20 + defense bonus + modifiers vs. hazard’sDC(generally 10 + rank) The difficulty class is based on the strength of the hazard, such as the rank of an effect or the strength of a disease or poison, typically that value plus 10 (like a routine check). Resistance ...
You may want to jot down a few notes about the sort of hero you’d prefer to play, which will help guide you through the rest of the character design process.2. GAMEMASTER GUIDELINESYour GM may have particular guidelines for characters in the game, such as not allowing certain powers or...
核心规则:每当你试图进行一个有一定几率失败的动作时,你投一个20面骰子(d20)。为了检测你的人物是否成功完成动作,你必须: • 投d20 • 加上任何相关的修正值 • 拿结果与目标数值进行比较 如果结果等于或大于目标数值,你的人物成功。若小于目标数值,那么你失败了。 骰子(DICE) 投骰子是用类似“...
20尺 3磅 穿刺 双手近战武器 长矛(Longspear4) 5 金币 1d6 1d8 x3 — 9磅 穿刺 木棍(Quarterstaff5) — 1d4/1d4 1d6/1d6 x2 — 4磅 钝击 矛(Spear) 2 金币 1d6 1d8 x3 20尺 6磅 穿刺 远程武器 重弩(Crossbow, heavy) 50 金币 1d8 1d10 19–20/x2 12...
The d20 Modern ruleset provides everything you need to play a modern, futuristic or Urban Arcana RPG online using Fantasy Grounds. It contains a custom theme, graphics, automation and game mechanics to simplify and improve gameplay online, but still repl
13th Age is an “open” d20-based tabletop fantasy RPG similar in play to games like D&D 3.0/3.5 and Pathfinder. 13th Age makes use of many game mechanics and features that are intended to develop characters and story as the game is played. For example: ...
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