The d20 Modern ruleset provides everything you need to play a modern, futuristic or Urban Arcana RPG online using Fantasy Grounds. It contains a custom theme, graphics, automation and game mechanics to simplify and improve gameplay online, but still repl
d20 Modern Links D20 Modern Expanded Material Stat Monkeys web page Joshua Kubli's Gamma World NPCs Random Name Generator D20 Modern Resident Evil d6d20 Modern SRD Wiki Sprucing Up Your Articles Wikipedia manual of style help Wikipedia editing a page help Other English tabletop RPG wikis from ...
D20 Modern Back toMain Page For Players Character Optimizations Anything you can do, I can do better (2 items) Classes Base, Prestige, Advanced, and NPC (51 items) Equipment Weapons, Armor, Food & Drink, Magic Items, etc... (314 items)...
d20 Modern Links D20 Modern Expanded Material Stat Monkeys web page Joshua Kubli's Gamma World NPCs Random Name Generator D20 Modern Resident Evil d6d20 Modern SRD Wiki Sprucing Up Your Articles Wikipedia manual of style help Wikipedia editing a page help Other English tabletop RPG wikis from ...
Someone who fought in the Second World War is likely to have a different worldview than a modern teenager who just acquired super-powers, to say nothing of an immortal who has seen civilizations rise and fall or a godlike being from the dawn of time. A character’s age may influence ...
Guide You keep your wits about you in the great outdoors. Prerequisite:Track Benefit:The character gets a +4 bonus on all Survival checks to track and navigate while in the wild. Back toMain Page→D20 Modern→Feats
d20用基本的“六大属性”来描述角色,即:力量、体质、敏捷、智慧、感知、魅力。然後从六大属性中再衍生出“修正值”,进行战斗等各种冒险行动的计算、判定。d20采用了和D&D完全一样的欧洲中古冒险设定。 d20 Modern(d20现代版)是对为了适应现代战役设定而开发的D20子系统,聚焦的是现代人类文明——...
charles515151 树精 1 1.我知道d20系统开放了授权(Open Game License),但不知d20modern系统是否开放了OGL授权?2.另外不知道这种OGL授权,是否可以随时被收回?可否请熟悉威世智的大侠,帮我看一眼官网咋说的,我英文确实太渣,找了半天找不到~ 送TA礼物 1楼2016-07-30 10:03回复 ...
But in any case, which roleplaying systems are covered by/derivedderived from the d20 systemSystem? It looks like D&D 4E is not covered by it, or at least the associated OGL, but I appreciate they are not the same thing. Whereas stuff like Pathfinder and d20 Modern do seem to be de...
d20甚却石Modern(d20现代版有)是对为了适应现代战役设定而开发的D20子系统,聚焦的是现代人类文明--科技昌明的生活中人类的冒险。各种稀奇古怪的职业和技能,甚至科幻设定都能出现,并找到适用的规则--这是原来的D&D和d20 STD中所没有的。d20现代版规则书用的默认战役设定是"Department-7"(第七处)一个活跃在现...