effect beyond a certain point (once you have succeeded as well as is possible in a given situation). For example, failure on anAcrobaticscheck to balance means you wobble and spend that turn maintaining your balance, but don’t move. Two degrees of failure mean you lose your balance and ...
Poised+3 bonus onBalancechecks Resolved+2 bonus onWillsaves Sage+3 bonus on checks involving any oneKnowledgeskill owner already knows; once chosen, this does not vary Single-minded+3 bonus onConcentrationchecks Sneaky+3 bonus onMove Silentlychecks ...
Dexterity measures your character’s agility, balance, and reflexes. Dexterity is important if your character plans to make attacks with ranged weapons or use stealth to surprise foes. Your Dexterity modifier is also added to your character’s AC and Reflex saving throws....
On a miss, thou art weighed in the balance and art found wanting.Grim PortentsGrim portents are dark designs for what could happen if a danger goes unchecked. Think about what would happen if the danger existed in the world but the PCs didn’t—if all these awful things you’ve conjured...
Power level 10 heroes may have a balance of attack and effect, defense and resistance, or may go for being stronger on one side than the other, having great combat skill, but comparatively limited damage, for example, or great Toughness, but lowered defenses....
20 Ranks: You double the result of any Acrobatics check when jumping and never fallproneat the end of a fall as long as you remain conscious. Time Machine! The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game merged the Balance and Jump skills from its predecessor into the Acrobatics skill. While this has been...
Abilities:Str23,Dex21,Con17,Int10,Wis14,Cha10 Skills:Balance+16,Climb+17,Hide+13,Jump+21,Listen+17,Move Silently+20,Spot+13,Swim+17 Feats:Dodge,Improved Initiative,Track Environment:Alawful evil-aligned plane Organization:Solitary, pair, or pride (6–10) ...
The constant struggle between Order and Chaos is the struggle between civilization and barbarism and the balance swings back and forth as empires rise and fall. This struggle is also an inherent part of the way magic works, and there are magical effects and spells that vary depending on whether...
This keeps players from getting bogged down in bargaining with NPCs over 10 gp on a 10,000 gp item, and maintains game balance by not allowing players to use bargaining to exceed the Wealth by Level guidelines by buying low and selling high. The “sell for half ” rule allows a fair ...
This system is intended to be a streamlined and open tactical D20-based RPG. All rules mechanics are taken and modified (usually very heavily) from the Open Game Licensed [D20SRD]. The majority of this project is the work of Brent Dill, with assistance a