A simple button to rejoin your last visited server Ability to show ALL maps in the mapselect screen, this includes hidden or hellmaps "showallmaps yes/no" Ability to toggle the Stagetitlecard "maptitles on/off" Performance / Debugging ...
To start the SRB2Kart dedicated netgame server on port 5029/udp, run: # Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/rwanyoike/gamersnights-srb2kart # Navigate to the project directory cd gamersnights-srb2kart # Set the necessary permissions chmod -v 0777 ./data # Start the contain...
// If you want to take advantage of the Master Server's ability to force clients to update // to the latest version, fill these out. Otherwise, just comment out UPDATE_ALERT and leave 6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion 6 src/filesrch.c @@ -552,7 +552,11 @@ filestatus_t file...
A simple button to rejoin your last visited server Ability to show ALL maps in the mapselect screen, this includes hidden or hellmaps "showallmaps yes/no" Ability to toggle the Stagetitlecard "maptitles on/off" Performance / Debugging Access for mobj_t and player_t fields from Lua has ...