SRB2Kart: Saturn SRB2Kartis a kart racing mod based on the 3D Sonic the Hedgehog fangameSonic Robo Blast 2, based on a modified version ofDoom Legacy. Saturn Features (Take a look at the "Saturn Options" menu c;) Sprites player rotation on slopes; going on hills, levitate, going down...
Smaller Speedometer (optional / requieres extra.kart file) Record Attack input display can now be used everywhere Smaller minimap icons and also show player names on the minimap (toggable) Support for animated votescreens! showmusiccredit command, shows you the current music track again listskins...
pretty much all runtime crashes come from that, except for the exit crash). I decided to check for sizes across multiple platforms, and all of them have a header size of 84, and the final header has a size of 0. For some reason, in ...