The SRAM blocks support rich variations in size and features of memory blocks for IGLOO2 FPGA devices; however, these variations require changes when initializing the SRAM blocks for a specific implementation; these changes do not affect the fundamentals of the reference design. Therefore, the ...
RAM.ini 文件 由于即便通过boot设定,将启动区映射到了SRAM,但程序依旧不能跳转到对应的Reset_Handle,需要RAM.ini进行引导 /***/ /* RAM.INI: RAM Initialization File */ /***/ // <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> // /***...
; TODO: Enter your pre stack initialization code here (if needed) ; e.g. SDRAM initialization if you don't have/use SRAM for the stack ; ;Initialize the SRAM ; Enable FSMC clock LDR R0,= 0x00000114 LDR R1,= 0x40021014 STR R0,[R1] ; Enable GPIOD, GPIOE, GPIOF and GPIOG clocks...
3-3-6、在Debug选项卡中根据实际情况选择调试器,这里选择ST-LINK,取消选择Load Application at Startup,在工程文件夹中新建一个txt文件,改名为RAM2.ini,打开并复制如下代码,并在Initialization File一栏中加载此文件; 1/***/2/*RAM.INI: RAM Initialization File*/3/***/4//<<< ...
(2) 见图 49‑11,在“Options for Target->Debug”对话框中取消勾选“Load Application at startup”选项。 点击“Initialization File”文本框右侧的文件浏览按钮,在弹出的对话框中新建一个名为“Debug_RAM.ini”的文件; (3) 在Debug_RAM.ini文件中输入如代码清单:SRAM-4中的内容。
; TODO: Enter your pre stack initialization code here (if needed) ; e.g. SDRAM initialization if you don't have/use SRAM for the stack ; ;Initialize the SRAM ; Enable FSMC clock LDR R0,= 0x00000114 LDR R1,= 0x40021014 STR R0,[R1] ...
I am trying to synthesize a 64 KB on-chip SRAM (used as a ROM for holding the bootloader for the arm MPU) for a Cyclone V, with an Intel Hex format initialization file. The system requirements for this chip only lists 8 GB of system RAM, and I h...
SRAM 静态随机存存储器(StaticRandomAccessMemory,SRAM)是随机存取存储器的一种。所谓的“静态”,是指这种存储器只要保持通电,里面储存的数据就可以恒常保持。相对之下,动态随机存储器(DRAM)里面所储存的数据就需要周期性地刷新。然而,当电力供应停止时,其内储存的数据还是会消失,这与在断电后还能储存资料...
/** Perform the SRAM1 memory initialization sequence */ hsram1.Instance = FSMC_NORSRAM_DEVICE;h...
第四步:配置“Initialization File:”栏如下图: 在红色框所圈的栏内填入如下路径: ..\..\..\..\..\ Keil\ARM\ Boards\ Keil\ MCBSTM32\STLIB_Blinky\ Dbg_RAM.ini 然后点 把 第25 行 的”LOAD LED”改为你工程名。 自此就完全配置完成了,将程序编译后下载到单片机内,此时程序还没有跑起来,必 须...