Compute-In-Memory (CIM) designs performing DNN computations within memory arrays are being explored to mitigate this 'Memory Wall' bottleneck of latency and energy overheads. Among the incumbent embedded memories, the Static Access Random Memory (SRAM) built using high performance logic transistors ...
Since synapses constitute most of the hardware complexity in TNNs, it is imperative to optimize their implementation. This work proposes TNN-CIM, an in-SRAM implementation of synaptic arrays, as a first attempt towards compute-in-memory (CIM) solution for TNNs. In TNN-CIM, not only are the ...
Case 1: Placing and executing a function in SRAM. This part describes the steps to link and execute a C function in SRAM using STM32CubeIDE. In this example we will create a basic function called Prime_Calc_SRAM() in charge of computing an amount of Prime number in a given i...
No I wan't to use same flash for storing some data. I notice that I can't run program in flash and store data at the same time. Only change is here to run the program in internal SRAM than in the flash. Is there an example how I have to set the linker file hat MCU is ...
Hi, I want to store and use the interrupt vector in SRAM (0x20400000) however I dont get any interrupts when I have the interrupt vector stored there. But if I change it to be stored in DTCM it works. I don't use MPU nor enable I & D-cache. Could this be the issue? Whats ...
6. 一路OK,rebuild,ctrl+F5进入调试。可以单步,step in和断点。看汇编代码的位置,以0x2000开头,说明程序运行在SRAM中。 另外,查看工程目录下的.sct文件,如下。 LR_IROM1 0x20000000 0x00004000 { ; load region size_region ER_IROM1 0x20000000 0x00004000 { ; load address = execution address ...
In some applications, the ability to monitor the battery status is desired to prevent any accidental loss of data when the battery is approaching its useful end-of-life. Battery monitoring is an integral function of the DS1330, DS1345, DS1350 NV SRAM PowerCap Modules, as well as the DS3...
Hi, Yes, the Pins (H1 and G2) are not used by the SRAM placed on the board, because to address 256k you only need 18 bit. But even thought the Pins
Hi, I'm working on a project with the ColdFire 5235, in wich I try to put some code running in SRAM I declared the code that I want in sram as