Are you sure it's squirrels digging up your lawn? I have a problem with skunks digging in my yard at night. They are after grubs and earthworms, and the occasional Yellow jacket bee nest underground. I haven't heard of or found ANY way to stop squirrels from digging up a lawn. Flower...
阅读理解 Squirrels (松鼠) are getting ready for winter. They are looking for nuts and seeds, digging holes in the ground or finding holes in trees. That's where they store the food they will need during the coming months, when the weather is cold and sometimes snowy....
4) Squirrels are good swimmers, although they usually prefer not to. Except for Twiggy, the water-skiing squirrel. 5) The college I went to had a rare white unicorn squirrel in its central square. I saw it once, and it was one of the best days of my life. 6) In Japan, there are...