Squirrels are notorious pests when it comes to stealing bird food. Here are three ways to keep squirrels out of bird feeders.
Likemoles and voles, chipmunks possess the digging itch needed to create quite a ruckus on your lawn and in your garden.They're ground-dwelling squirrels, though. They're fast. If you're looking to figure out how to get rid of chipmunks in your lawn, this guide will help. We'll talk...
Sprinkle cat liter around flowers or flower bulbs to deter squirrels from digging up bulbs or plants. Apply 1 or 2 tsp. around the area. Repel squirrels with a homemade hot sauce mixture. Mix 2 tbsp. of cayenne pepper into 1 qt. of hot water. Seep the mixture until it is cool. Stra...
Discovering small, volcano-shaped mounds of soil in your lawn may at first lead you to believe a massive colony of ants has set up shop in your yard. Or that your neighbor’s kid did a really poor job trying to bury his latest report card. But those hills of freshly dug dirt were l...
According to rover.com, a great way to stop Fido from trying to dig to China is to bury flat rocks just below the surface at noted digging spots. Or, if you have a sprinkler system, set up a motion detector to spray your pooch and run him off at the first sign of a dig. Frequen...
Grasshoppers are known to feed on crops and plants, but they also feed on grasses. If you have a high population of grasshoppers, they may be damaging your lawn. Because grasshoppers migrate and move about, they are one of the hardest insects to control.
rabbits and squirrels may be deterred with short fences while deer need something at least four feet tall to stay out; chicken wire, hardware cloth plastic fencing or sturdy mesh netting fencing work great against deer while groundhogs and voles will require trench digging to bury at least 10...
weighing in at 4 to 14 pounds. Groundhogs can climb and even swim to reach food they seek, but they spend much of their time underground, unlike most squirrels. Groundhogs also look a lot like gophers, another type of ground-dwelling rodent. Gophers are much smaller than groundhogs, how...
Clean up under bird feeders, or stock with safflower seeds, which squirrels tend not to like. As a last resort, you may have to stop growing plants that the pests love best. Rabbits and squirrels favor leafy greens. Groundhogs adore brassicas (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts)....
Woodchucks are chubby rodents in the marmot family. These oversize ground squirrels, which can grow to 14 pounds, are also called groundhogs. Under that name, they are said to determine whether the winter will grind on for another six weeks by whether they see their shadow on Groundhog Day...