在SQLite中,可以利用UPDATE语句从另一个表更新数据。这个能力非常有用,因为很多时候需要将一个表中的数据更新成另一个表中的数据。 更新指定列 要更新指定列的数据,可以使用以下语法: UPDATE table_name SET column_name = another_table.column_name FROM another_table WHERE table_name.key = another_table.key...
sql: how to update table values from another table with the same user name? question: I have two tables, with a same column named user_name, saying table_a, table_b. I want to, copy from table_b, column_b_1, column_b2, to table_b1, column_a_1, column_a_2, respectively, wher...
我假设t2.trans_id是uniq或table2中的primary key。如果不是,那么如果它返回多个结果,那么更新查询将...
I have an application using SQLite with two tables a master table and a scheduled table.I would like to update a value in the master table with the value in the scheduled table if I run a query some time after due has occurred. Once the master table is updated, I would like to ...
INSERT into table1(表中字段1,表中字段2) select 表中字段1,表中字段2 from table2;
Another way: ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE (MySQL) In MySQL I think you could do this more easily with a multiple INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, assuming that id is a primary key keeping in mind that nonexistent conditions ("id = 777" with no 777) will get inserted in the table and ...
1. core table columns are updated, and 2. non-existent core records are inserted from the update table. It is not necessary that records missing from the update table cause deletes in the core table. Try this (assuming fieldU exists in both tables and fieldC is only incore table, and...
CREATE TRIGGER my_trigger AFTER INSERT ON my_table BEGIN UPDATE another_table SET count = count + 1 WHERE id = 1; END; 在这个例子中,当有新的记录插入到my_table表中时,my_trigger触发器将自动更新another_table表中id为1的记录的count字段,使其值加1。 需要注意的是,触发器的使用应该谨慎...