SELECT*FROM table_b WHERE table_b.user_name=table_a.user_name ) UPDATE insqlite3does not support a FROM clause, which makes this a little more work than in other RDBMS. If performance is not satisfactory, another option might be to build up new rows for table_a using a select and jo...
创建新表复制原有表的结构和数据 create table new_table as select * from old_table; 复制一张表...
But you cannot execute DROP TABLE, UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE against the sqlite_master table. The sqlite_master table is updated automatically as you create or drop tables and indices from the database. You can not make manual changes to the sqlite_master table. The schema for TEMPORARY tables...
虽然回调显得代码整齐,但有时候你还是想要非回调的 select 查询。这可以通过 sqlite3_get_table 函数做到。 int sqlite3_get_table(sqlite3*, const char *sql, char ***resultp, int *nrow, int *ncolumn, char **errmsg ); 第1个参数不再多说,看前面的例子。 第2个参数是 sql 语句,跟 sqlite3_exe...
In the UPDATE clause, we specified that we want to update the table Students. In the WHERE clause, we filtered all the students to select only the row for StudentId = 6. The SET clause will update the value of the Department Id for the selected students to be 3. ...
Pre Update Hook sqlite_preupdate_hook Registers a callback function that is invoked prior to each INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operation on a database table. Secure Delete sqlite_secure_delete This compile-time option changes the default setting of the secure_delete pragma.When this option is not...
If you need to extract only a single column (SELECT %column_name% FROM %table_name% WHERE %conditions%) you can use a non-CRUD select function:// SELECT id FROM users auto allIds = storage.select(&User::id); cout << "allIds count = " << allIds.size() << endl; // allIds ...
SELECTcolumn1,column2,... FROManother_table WHEREcondition; 示例示例 假设我们有两个表,old_employees和new_employees,我们想将old_employees表中的 数据复制到new_employees表中,但只复制那些salary大于5000的记录。 --创建表 CREATETABLEold_employees( ...
5.3 改(UPDATE)语法:UPDATE table-name SET colA=valueA, colB=valueB, … [WHERE condition] 只对WHERE匹配到的条目进行修改. 如果不指定WHERE子句, 则会修改所有的记录sqlite> select * from company; id name age address salary --- --- --- --- --- 1 Paul 32 California 20000.0 2 Allen 25 ...