After you create a table, you can start interacting with it. To add a row, use theInsertmethod on theSQLiteConnectioninstance and provide an object of the appropriate type that holds the data to be inserted. The following code shows how to add a new row to theUsertable: C#Copy publicint...
假设要删除的表名为"table_name",要删除的行满足某个条件,可以使用以下命令: 代码语言:txt 复制 dbExecute(con, "DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition") 其中,"table_name"是要删除行的表名,"condition"是删除行的条件。可以根据具体的条件进行修改。 关闭数据库连接: 代码语言:txt 复制 dbDisconnect(con)...
Use Python Variable in a query to Delete Row from SQLite table Most of the time, we need to delete a row from an SQLite table where the id passed at runtime. For example, when a user cancels his/her subscription, we need to delete the entry from a table as per the user id. In ...
(sql), "SELECT * FROM Book;"); int rc = sqlite3_prepare(br_sqlite3->db, sql, -1, &stmt, NULL); return_value_if_fail(rc == SQLITE_OK, darray); while (sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { if (darray->size < darray->capacity) { book_t* book = book_create(); book_...
sqlite3_step方法对stmt指针进行移动,会逐行进行移动,这个方法会返回一个int值,如果和SQLITE_ROW宏对应,则表明有此行数据,可以通过while循环来对数据进行读取。 sqlite3_column_XXX()是取行中每一列的数据,根据数据类型的不同,sqlite3_column_XXX()有一系列对应的方法,这个方法中第一个参数是stmt指针,第二个参数...
cmd.CommandText="PRAGMA table_info('t1')";//方法一:用DataAdapter和DataTable类,调用方法为using System.DataSQLiteDataAdapter adapter =newSQLiteDataAdapter(cmd); DataTable table=newDataTable(); adapter.Fill(table);foreach(DataRow rintable.Rows) ...
usingSQLite;usingSystem.ComponentModel;namespaceLocalDataAccess{ [Table("Customers") public class Customer: INotifyPropertyChanged { private int _id; [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]publicintId {get{return_id; }set{this._id =value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Id)); } }privatestring_companyName; [NotNull...
void deleteRow(); void updateActions(); public slots: void exec(); void showTable(const QString &table); void showMetaData(const QString &table); void addConnection(); void currentChanged() { updateActions(); } void about(); void on_insertRowAction_triggered() ...
If the specified Customer has an id, it exists in the database, so it’s permanently deleted, and it’s also removed from the Customers collection. Delete<T> returns an integer that represents the number of deleted rows. You can also permanently delete all objects from a table. You can ...
);--文件删除历史表createtablefile_remove_history ( idintegerprimarykey, user_accountnvarchar(32)notnull,user_namenvarchar(32)notnull, file_pathnvarchar(256)notnull, upload_start_timetimestamp, upload_end_timetimestamp, upload_ipnvarchar(20), ...