Unique: Specify that the value in the column must be unique from all other rows. The following code shows an updated version of theUserclass that applies these attributes: C#Copy [Table("user")]publicclassUser{// PrimaryKey is typically numeric[PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement, Column("_id")]publi...
create table table_name(field1 type1, field2 type1, ...); table_name是要创建数据表名称,fieldx是数据表内字段名称,typex则是字段类型。 如:CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "itm_session" ("sessionID" varchar(40) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "clientIP" varchar(32) NOT NULL, "created" datetime NOT ...
数据库中TABLE(表)的概念,对应Excel中Sheet;数据库中row(行)、column(列)的概念,对应Excel的行(被标记为1234的那些)和列(被标记为ABCD的那些)的概念。 数据库常用的六个操作,建表、丢表(删除表)、增、删、改、查,其SQL语句如下所示。 建表 CREATETABLE数据表名称(字段1类型1(长度),字段2类型2(长度) …...
SQLite supports a limited subset of ALTER TABLE. The ALTER TABLE command in SQLite allows the user to rename a table or to add a new column to an existing table. It is not possible to rename a column, remove a column, or add or remove constraints from a table. sqlite支持一个更改表内...
3.35.0版本之前,SQLite是不支持使用ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN直接删除列的 3.35.0版本后,SQLite开始支持删除列,但有八条限制 官方对此有说明: The DROP COLUMN syntax is used to remove an existing column from a table. The DROP COLUMN command removes the named column from the table, and rewrites its co...
Use Python sqlite3 module to delete data from SQLite table. Delete single row, multiple rows, all rows, single column and multiple columns from table. Use Python Variable in a parameterized query to Delete Row from SQLite table.
UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2..., columnN = valueN WHERE [condition]; 查 指定列: SELECT column1, column2, columnN FROM table_name; 所有列: SELECT * FROM table_name; 更多SQLite的SQL语句规则请查阅:runoob.com/sqlite/sqlit 三、SQLite的基本用法 1、下载SQLite...
> select * from users name,age Tom,18 Jack,20 > .mode insert# 设置输出模式为 insert > select * from users INSERT INTO"table"(name,age) VALUES('Tom',18); INSERT INTO"table"(name,age) VALUES('Jack',20); .mode 支持 csv, column, html, insert, line, list, tabs, tcl 等 8 种模...
for column, field in enumerate(data): self.model.setData(self.model.index(rows, column + 1), field) self.model.submitAll() self.model.select() def deleteContact(self, row): """Remove a contact from the database.""" self.model.removeRow(row) ...