What is SQL Server? Connect to the Database Engine What's new? Editions and features Release notes Business continuity Database design Development Internals & architecture Installation Migrate & load data Manage, monitor, & tune Query data Reporting & Analytics Security Tools Tutorials SQL Server on...
A view contains rows and columns, just like a real table. The fields in a view are fields from one or more real tables in the database. You can add SQL statements and functions to a view and present the data as if the data were coming from one single table. ...
What is execution plan choice regression?The SQL Server Database Engine may use different execution plans to execute the Transact-SQL queries. Query plans depend on the statistics, indexes, and other factors. The optimal plan that should be used to execute a Transact-SQL query might change over...
Because you can't predict what type of access occurs and when it occurs, it could be a better decision to spread your tables and indexes across all filegroups. This would guarantee that all disks are being accessed because all data and indexes are spread evenly across all disks, regar...
How can i remove char which I don't see in result set but still they are there How can I report progress on a long-running query How can I see what queries were executed at a specific time? How can i select a max of column witch type is unique identifier how can i select all co...
I hope this helped you understand what are views and why we use them in databases. Remember! I want to remind you all that if you have other questions you want to be answered, then post a comment. I’m here to help you.
Common language runtime (CLR) database objects are executed with version 4 of the CLR. However, some behavior changes introduced in version 4 of the CLR are avoided. For more information, seeWhat's New in CLR Integration.CLR database objects are executed with version 4 of the CLR. ...
What are the “views” differences between PostgreSQL and SQL Server? Compare the “views” in PostgreSQL vs. MSSQL 中文:两种数据库视图比较 PostgreSQL支持视图-即虚拟表格,它们本身不存储数据。可更新的视图受支持,但是除非满足以下条件,否则更新不会自动发生:该视图的查询必须在FROM子句中具有精确的一个部分...
EXCEPT and INTERSECT may be used in distributed queries, but are only executed on the local server and not pushed to the linked server. As such, using EXCEPT and INTERSECT in distributed queries may affect performance. You can use fast forward-only and static cursors in the result set when ...
space) isn't returned. However, trailing blanks, in the expression to which the pattern is matched, are ignored. If a comparison in a query is to return all rows with the stringLIKE 'abc'(abcwithout a space), all rows that start withabcand have zero or more trailing blanks are ...