有关目标为 Azure Blob 存储的 SQL Server 备份的详细信息,请参阅使用Microsoft Azure Blob 存储进行 SQL Server 备份和还原。术语介质集 (media set) 备份介质(磁带或磁盘文件)的有序集合,使用固定类型和数量的备份设备向其写入了一个或多个备份操作。介质...
介质集 (media set) 备份介质(磁带或磁盘文件)的有序集合,它使用固定类型和数量的备份设备。 有关媒体集的详细信息,请参阅媒体集、媒体簇和备份集 (SQL Server)。物理备份设备 (physical backup device) 磁带机或操作系统提供的磁盘文件。 可以将备份数据写入 1 到 64 个备份设备。 如果备份数据需要多个备份...
media_set_id int 唯一介质集标识号。 标识,主键。 media_uuid uniqueidentifier 介质集的 UUID。 SQL Server 媒体集的所有Microsoft都具有 UUID。 但是,对于早期版本的 SQL Server,如果媒体集仅包含一个媒体系列, 则media_uuid 列可能为 NULL(media_family_count 为1)。 media_family_count tinyint 媒体集中的媒...
family is mirrored. For example, if six backup devices are used to format a media set, where two mirrors are used, there are three media families, each containing two equivalent copies of backup data. For more information about mirrored media sets, seeMirrored Backup Media Set...
Applies to: SQL ServerNote Mirrored backup media sets are supported only in the Enterprise edition of SQL Server.Mirroring a media set increases backup reliability by reducing the impact of backup-device malfunctions. These malfunctions are very serious because backups are the last line of ...
For more information, see Backup Compression (SQL Server).Media FamiliesBackups created on a single nonmirrored device or a set of mirrored devices in a media set constitute a media family. The number of backup devices used for the media set determines the number of media...
Applies to: SQL ServerNote Mirrored backup media sets are supported only in the Enterprise edition of SQL Server.Mirroring a media set increases backup reliability by reducing the impact of backup-device malfunctions. These malfunctions are very serious because backups are the last line of defense...
所有SQL Server Service Pack 和升级都将应用于 SQL Server 实例的每个组件。 检测到的实例和功能 - 该网格将显示运行安装程序的计算机上的 SQL Server 实例。 如果计算机上已经安装了一个默认实例,则必须安装 SQL Server 2008 的命名实例。 “磁盘空间要求”页计算指定的功能所需的磁盘空间, 然后将所需空间与可用...
对于大多数组件,SQL Server 直接为 Per-service 帐户配置 ACL,因此无需重复资源 ACL 过程即可更改此服务帐户。当安装 SSAS时,将创建 Analysis Services 服务的 Per-service SID。 将创建本地 Windows 组,其名称格式为 SQLServerMSASUser$<computer_name>$<instance_name>。 Per-service SID NT SERVICE\MSSQL...
Set Report Server properties Create, delete, or modify a role Enabling and disabling client-side printing for Reporting Services SSMS provides an integrated environment for managing any SQL infrastructure, including SSRS. In the web portal, you can enable features, set server defaults, manage running...