针对你遇到的问题“SQL Server setup media does not support the language of the OS or does not h”,这是一个在安装SQL Server时常见的错误提示,表明SQL Server安装媒体不支持当前操作系统的语言,或者安装媒体中缺少ENU(英语-美国)本地化文件。以下是一些解决此问题的步骤,按照你的提示进行组织: 确认操作系统...
报错提示信息为:SQL Server setup media does not support the language of the OS or does not have...
在windows 2008 R2 X64中文版上安装sql server 2008中文版(CHS),遇到如下问题: SQL Server setup media does not support the language of the OS or does not have ENU localized files. 网上查了半天,主要解决方法都是改控制面板里的语言设置,有的说改成英文,有的说改成中文,都试了还是不行。绝望之下,在...
日文系统(或其他非中文系统)安装SQL Server时报出如下错误: “SQL Server setup media does not support the language of the OS or does not have ENU localized files. Use the matching language-specific SQL Server media or change the OS locale through control panel....
对于安装SQL Server而言,选择X86系统意味着您将安装32位操作系统版本。这是因为X86架构通常指的是32位处理器架构,而SQL Server的某些版本可能不支持在64位系统上运行,尤其是在特定的安装介质下。因此,如果您遇到“此SQL Server安装媒体不支持X86系统”的提示,这通常意味着您尝试使用不适合X86架构的安装...
"This SQL Server Setup media is not supported on a X64 system. To continue run the SQL Server Setup that matches your system. [DBNETLIB][ConnectionRead (recv()).]General network error. Check your network documentation. [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]String or binary data wou...
用虚拟光驱在装SQL2008时,出现错误,是设置错误造成的,解决方法如下:1、首先打开SQL Server Management Studio,如下图所示。2、右击点击“数据库”,然后选择“新建数据库”。3、新建数据库后,出现如下界面,把数据库名称和参数填入界面中。4、在弹出的对话框中,按下图设置,点击确定。5、最后形成...
安装SqlServer2008R2遇到系统提示: 代码如下:SQL Server setup media does not support the language of the OS or does not have ENU localized files.Use the matching language-specific SQL Server media or change the OS locale through Control Panle. 英文翻译过来,大概意思是本安装程序不支持当前操作系统语言...
One is setup.exe so I double click on that. The system asks me if I want to allow changes and I click yes. Then I get the error: This SQL Server Setup media is not suppo...