What makes SQL Server table-valued functions more useful in some situations than sql views or sql stored procedures is like every sql function, at-sql table-valued functionalso accepts parameters. Also TVF's (table valued functions) can be referenced in sql SELECT queries just like a SQL Serve...
The following example invokes the function and specifies employee ID 1.SQL Copy SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, JobTitle, RecursionLevel FROM dbo.ufn_FindReports(1); For more information and examples of inline table-valued functions (inline TVFs) and multi-statement table-valued ...
SQL Server Advanced Functions FunctionDescription CASTConverts a value (of any type) into a specified datatype COALESCEReturns the first non-null value in a list CONVERTConverts a value (of any type) into a specified datatype CURRENT_USERReturns the name of the current user in the SQL Server...
如果在 RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT CLR 函式中指定,表示 SQL Server 可以在收到NULL的任何自變數為 時傳回 NULL ,而不會實際叫用函式的主體。 如果 指定的 <method_specifier> CLR 函式方法已經有表示 RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT的自訂屬性,但 CREATE FUNCTION 語句指出 CALLED ON NULL INPUT,則 CREATE ...
Applies to: SQL Server 2008 (10.0.x) SP 1 and later versions.Specifies the assembly and method to which the created function name shall refer.assembly_name - must match a value in the name column of SELECT * FROM sys.assemblies;. The name that was used on the CREATE ASSEMBLY statement....
SQL SERVER 代码 加载程序集 USEInvestorRelationsCREATEASSEMBLY ExampleUDFFROM'E:\学习\SessionTest\TestKZCCGC\bin\Debug\TestKZCCGC.dll' 创建函数 1 2 3 CREATEFUNCTIONExampleUDFTwo() RETURNSnvarchar(1000) ASEXTERNALNAMEExampleUDF.UserDefinedFunctions.ExampleUDF; ...
[Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction] public static SqlBytes BinaryDecompress(SqlBytes inputBinary)//解密 { byte[] inputBytes = (byte[])inputBinary.Value; using (MemoryStream memStreamIn = new MemoryStream(inputBytes)) { using (GZipStream s = ...
如果在RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUTCLR 函数中指定,则指示 SQL Server 可以在接收NULL的任何参数时返回NULL,而无需实际调用函数的主体。 如果指定的<method_specifier>CLR 函数的方法已具有指示RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT的自定义属性,但CREATE FUNCTION该语句指示CALLED ON NULL INPUT,该CREATE FUNCTION语句优先。OnNU...
The AdventureWorks Product Reviews example application is a Web application that uses the SQLSRV driver of Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server. The application lets a user search for products by entering a keyword, see reviews for a selected product, write a review for a selected product,...
For example, specify C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL{nn}.<InstanceName>\ to specify the root path to the data directory of the system databases during upgrade when data files are found under C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL{nn}.<InstanceName>\MSSQL\Data. Related ...