AS EXTERNAL NAME [SurrogateStringFunction].[Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SurrogateStringFunction].[LenS]; GO
FUNCTION add_dept(dept_no NUMBER, dept_name VARCHAR2) -- 声明函数 RETURN NUMBER; PROCEDURE query_dept(dept_no IN NUMBER); -- 声明存储过程 END demo_pack; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 包主体: -- demo_pack 包主体: CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY demo_pack AS -- 创建 add_demp 函...
SQL Server User Defined Function Overview, describes some general benefits of a user-defined function (udf) as well as the types and syntax for defining and invoking a udf. If you feel the need, refer to the prior tip for an introduction...
Accessing our function from SQL Server In order to access our .NET function, we need to create a SQL Server function which makes use of the "EXTERNAL NAME" option which informs SQL Server that we will be using a CLR function. The function we will be creating will look like this: CREATE...
Returns nvarchar if the input arguments are of nvarchar data type else returns varchar. Returns NULL if any of the arguments is NULL. Example 1: The following example demonstrates the REPLACE() function. Example: REPLACE() Copy SELECT REPLACE('abcdefghabcdefgh','abcd','***') AS Result1,...
用户定义函数用 ALTER FUNCTION 修改,用 DROP FUNCTION 除去。 语法 标量函数 CREATE FUNCTION [ owner_name.] function_name ( [ { @parameter_name [AS] scalar_parameter_data_type [ = default ] } [ ,...n ] ] ) RETURNS scalar_return_data_type ...
The following example will keep the numbers and remove the characters. We will create a function to do that. CREATEFUNCTION[dbo].[ufnGetNumbers](@stringVARCHAR(1000))RETURNSVARCHAR(1000)ASBEGINWHILEPATINDEX('%[^0-9]%',@string)>0BEGINSET@string=REPLACE(@string,SUBSTRING(@string,PATINDEX('%...
For example, this conversion returns $10.3497:SQL Copy SELECT CAST(10.3496847 AS money); SQL Server returns an error message when converting nonnumeric char, nchar, nvarchar, or varchar data to decimal, float, int, numeric. SQL Server also returns an error when an empty string (" ") is ...
Operation or functionNumberTextBooleanDateTimeGuidNotes Filter Yes Yes Yes No, see notes. Yes Direct date filters don't work for SQL Server. However, you can create a calculated column that will work. For example, you can create ALTER TABLE myTable ADD DateAsInt AS (YEAR([date]) * 10000...
如果在 CLR 函數中指定 RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT,它會指出 SQL Server 可以在它接收的任何引數是 NULL 時傳回 NULL,而不必實際叫用函數主體。如果 <method_specifier> 中指定的 CLR 函數方法已經有一個指出 RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT 的自訂屬性,但 CREATE FUNCTION 陳述式指出 CALLED ON NULL INPUT,則...