_CI(CS) 是否区分大小写,CI不区分,CS区分(case-insensitive/case-sensitive) _AI(AS) 是否区分重音,AI不区分,AS区分(accent-insensitive/accent-sensitive) _KI(KS) 是否区分假名类型,KI不区分,KS区分(kanatype-insensitive/kanatype-sensitive) _WI(WS) 是否区分宽度 WI不区分,WS区分(width-insensitive/width-s...
public boolean isCaseSensitive(int column) 参数column指示列索引的 int 。返回值如果列区分大小写,则为 true。 否则为 false。例外SQLServerException备注此isCaseSensitive 方法是由 java.sql.ResultSetMetaData 接口中的 isCaseSensitive 方法指定的。另请参阅SQLServer...
isCaseSensitiveBoolean一個值,指定在擷取名詞和名詞片語時是否要區分大小寫。 此屬性的預設值為False。 MaxLengthOfTerm整數一個數值,指出詞彙的長度上限。 這個屬性只會套用至片語。 這個屬性的預設值為12。 NeedRefenceDataBoolean一個值,指定轉換是否會使用儲存在參考資料表中的排除...
SQL Server Query Performance Tuning Brandie Tarvin SSC Guru Points: 173034 More actions January 29, 2008 at 7:16 am #772846 There are ways around case insensitivity, but they aren't easy. There are usually cursors involved with Substrings or PatIndex/CharIndex used in the code. ...
We have a case-insensitive server but a case-sensitive application that gets whiny if a particular field isn't in full uppercase. Until we can fix the application to deal with it properly, I occasionally need to find any entries that have the wrong capitalization. This helped me find them...
The default is “Group” and the value is case sensitive. For Project REAL, this option is set to “Group” so that the MOM Server cannot undo the work of the manual installation by pushing default parameters out to the agent. “Group” is equivalent to specifying “None” in the interac...
CONTAINS或SCORE函數的文字搜尋處理期間發生錯誤。 The error happened on server &1 using text search index &2 for reason code &3. Text describing the problem is: &4. 回復文字: 請參閱文字搜尋文件,以取得此原因碼。 請重試該要求。 SQLCODE 或 SQLCODE: -20423 SQLSTATE 或 SQLSTATE: 38H10SQ...
Microsoft SQL Server 2005Unicode摘要: 本白皮书将向 Microsoft SQL Server 开发人员介绍 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 的国际功能。所论述的主题包括:对 Unicode 的说明、SQL Server 2005 中增加的对补充字符的支持、不同版本 SQL Server 排序规则上的变化、数据类型的变化、性能、数据提供程序方面的更新以及 SQL ...
SQLOLEDB 接受 ODBC、ANSI 和特定于 SQL Server 的 Transact-SQL 的组合作为有效的语法。 例如,以下 SQL 语句使用 ODBC SQL 转义序列指定 LCASE 字符串函数: SQL SELECTcustomerid={fnLCASE(CustomerID)}FROMCustomers LCASE 返回一个字符串,将所有大写字母字符转换为相应的小写字母字符。 ANSI SQL 字符串函数 LOWE...
Object name case sensitivity is different for SQL Server and Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible Edition (Aurora MySQL). SQL Server object names case sensitivity is being determined by the collection. Aurora MySQL names are case sensitive and can be adjusted