public boolean isCaseSensitive(int column) 参数column指示列索引的 int 。返回值如果列区分大小写,则为 true。 否则为 false。例外SQLServerException备注此isCaseSensitive 方法是由 java.sql.ResultSetMetaData 接口中的 isCaseSensitive 方法指定的。另请参阅SQLServer...
Second Issue: SQL Server Ignores Trailing Spaces in the Password SQL Server pads the strings that are being compared and makes their lengths equal. Solution To have SQL Server recognize trailing white spaces in passwords stored in the database, modify the Authenticate User query in the ODBC Query...
If this option isn't selected, SQL Server uses the default non-Unicode encoding format for the applicable data types. For more information, see the UTF-8 Support section in this article.1 If Binary or Binary-code point is selected, the Case-sensitive (_CS), Accent-sensitive ...
Microsoft SQL Server string compare case sensitive Hoang Gia December 25, 2019 Table of Contents Sometimes, your collections of data might contain case sensitive values. In my case, there are several products that have the same Manufacturer but our client misused that data and created duplicated ...
You create a Master Data Services (MDS) database by using the Create Database wizard, and select the "Case-sensitive" option in the Database page of the wizard. You create an entity that contains a domain-based attribute. The domain-based attr...
ON SERVER FOR DEADLOCK_GRAPH -- , LOCK_DEADLOCK_CHAIN, LOCK_DEADLOCK, LOCK_ESCALATION -- ANY OF these can be SET TO SERVICE 'DeadLockNotificationsService', 'current database' -- CASE sensitive string that specifies USE OF server broker IN CURRENT db ...
suggested_is_case_sensitive bit 1如果資料列是區分大小寫的字串類型,如果0不是,則傳回 。 不可為 Null。 suggested_is_fixed_length_clr_type bit 1如果資料列是固定長度的 CLR 型別,如果0不是,則傳回 。 不可為 Null。 suggested_is_input bit 如果參數用於指派左側以外的任何位置,則傳 1 回。 否則...
Microsoft SQL Server 将保留关键字用于定义、操作和访问数据库。 保留关键字是 SQL Server 使用的 Transact-SQL 语言语法的一部分,用于分析和理解 Transact-SQL 语句和批处理。 尽管在 Transact-SQL 脚本中使用 SQL Server 保留关键字作为标识符和对象名在语法上是可行的,但规定只能使用分隔标识符。
Microsoft SQL Server 2005Unicode摘要: 本白皮书将向 Microsoft SQL Server 开发人员介绍 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 的国际功能。所论述的主题包括:对 Unicode 的说明、SQL Server 2005 中增加的对补充字符的支持、不同版本 SQL Server 排序规则上的变化、数据类型的变化、性能、数据提供程序方面的更新以及 SQL ...
You install an instance of SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 R2 that is configured to use a case-sensitive collation. You create a SQL Server performance condition alert that uses one of the counters in the following table: In this scenario, the alert is incorrectly raised. ...