但是,你可能要注意到,未来版本中,微软正在逐步淘汰SQL Server数据库镜像。推荐的功能替换为Basic Availability Groups或AlwaysOn Availability Groups。然而,这并不意味着不能使用它。 2.Basic Availability Groups 基本可用性组是可用性组的最简单形式。基本可用性组允许主数据库维护一个副本。除非需要进行故障转移,否则...
New-SqlAvailabilityGroup Cmdlet 會在 AlwaysOn 可用性群組中建立可用性群組。 InputObject 或 Path 參數會指定裝載初始主要複本的伺服器。 Module requirements: version 21+ on PowerShell 5.1; version 22+ on PowerShell 7.x. 範例 範例1:建立可用性群組 PowerShell 複製 PS C:\> $PrimaryServer = Get-...
AlwaysOn 基本可用性群組可在任兩部 SQL Server 2016 Standard Edition 伺服器上建立。 當您建立基本可用性群組時,您必須在建立期間指定兩個複本。 若要建立基本可用性群組,請使用CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUPTransact-SQL 命令,並指定WITH BASIC選項 (預設值為ADVANCED...
Applies to: SQL ServerThis article introduces the Always On availability groups concepts that are central for configuring and managing one or more availability groups in the Enterprise edition of SQL Server. For the Standard edition, review Basic Always On availability groups for a single database....
Applies to:SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2016 (13.x)) Used to create a basic availability group. Basic availability groups are limited to one database and two replicas: a primary replica and one secondary replica. This option is a replacement for the deprecated database mirroring featur...
AlwaysOn Basic Availability Groups provide a high availability solution for SQL Server 2016 Standard Edition. This new functionality will replace database mirroring, which is a deprecated feature. Basic Availability Groups are managed and created in the same way like the traditional ...
An introduction to the concepts that are central for configuring and managing Always On availability groups for high-availability and disaster-recovery.
Applies to: SQL ServerThis article introduces the Always On availability groups concepts that are central for configuring and managing one or more availability groups in the Enterprise edition of SQL Server. For the Standard edition, review Basic Always On availability groups for a single database....
Applies to: SQL ServerThis article introduces the Always On availability groups concepts that are central for configuring and managing one or more availability groups in the Enterprise edition of SQL Server. For the Standard edition, review Basic Always On availability groups for a single database....
https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/sql/database-engine/availability-groups/windows/transactions-always-on-availability-and-database-mirroring?view=sql-server-2017 为了能在AlwaysOn 2016中执行分布式事务,可用性组创建语句CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP带有WITH DTC_SUPPORT = PER_DB从句。