Availability replicas Zobrazit ještě 10 Applies to: SQL ServerThis article introduces the Always On availability groups concepts that are central for configuring and managing one or more availability groups in the Enterprise edition of SQL Server. For the Standard e...
SQL Server 2017 introduced two different architectures for availability groups.Always On availability groupsprovide high availability, disaster recovery, and read-scale balancing. These availability groups require a cluster manager. In Windows, the failover clustering feature provides the cluster manager. In...
Applies to: SQL ServerThis article introduces the Always On availability groups concepts that are central for configuring and managing one or more availability groups in the Enterprise edition of SQL Server. For the Standard edition, review Basic Always On availability groups for ...
AlwaysOn 可用性组一种高可用性和灾难恢复解决方案,提供数据库镜像的企业级替代项。 可用性组 (availability group) 一个容器,用于一组共同实现故障转移的离散用户数据库(被称为可用性数据库)。 可用性副本 可用性组的实例化,该可用性组由特定的 ...
PowerShell 指令程式。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱Always On 可用性群組的 PowerShell Cmdlet 概觀 (SQL Server)。 用戶端連接 您可以建立可用性群組接聽程式,以便將用戶端連接提供給給定可用性群組的主要複本。「可用性群組接聽程式」(Availability Group Listener) 會將連接至給定可用性群組...
Each of these server instances must be enabled for AlwaysOn.A given instance can host only one availability replica per availability group. However, each instance can be used for many availability groups. A given instance can be either a stand-alone instance or a SQL Server failover cluster ...
Always On availability groups, the high availability and disaster recovery solution introduced in SQL Server 2012 (11.x), requires Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC). Also, though Always On availability groups is not dependent upon SQL Server Failover Clustering, you can use a failover ...
ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP [ag] MODIFY REPLICA ON N'SQL16N3' WITH (SECONDARY_ROLE(ALLOW_CONNECTIONS = READ_ONLY)) GO 2 Configure read-only routing URL For each secondary replica, define the address to connect to it: ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP ag MODIFY REPLICA ON N'S...
一切準備就緒後就可以啟動 SQL Server 資料庫引擎的 AlwaysOn Availability Groups 功能,和 Active Directory 網域環境中一樣,可以在這個視窗中看到伺服器所在的叢集名稱,設定完畢後重新啟用 SQL Server 資料庫服務。 建立AlwaysOn可用性群組的前置作業 因為少了 Active Directory 網域服務來做安全性及驗證的工作,在工...
Applies to:SQL Server In Always On availability groups, theavailability modeis a replica property that determines whether a given availability replica can run in synchronous-commit mode. For each availability replica, the availability mode must be configured for either synchronous-commit mode, asynchrono...