Example Round the number to 2 decimal places, and also use the operation parameter: SELECT ROUND(235.415, 2, 1) AS RoundValue; Try it Yourself » Example Round the number to -1 decimal place: SELECT ROUND(235.415, -1) AS RoundValue; Try it Yourself » ...
1 select 2 d.name as Department, 3 e.name as Employee, 4 Salary 5 from Department d 6 inner join 7 ( 8 select name,Salary,DepartmentId, 9 dense_rank() over(partition by DepartmentId order by Salary desc) as ranking10 from Employee11 ) e12 on d.Id=e.DepartmentId13 where ranking<=...
The ROUND function will round the number up or down, depending on the decimal places specified. Itdoesn’t always round up, as you can see in the examples below. If you want to always round up in SQL, you would use theCEILfunction. This function rounds a number up to the specified va...
其中,numeric_expression 是要四舍五入的数值,decimal_places 是要保留的小数位数。如果 decimal_places 是正数,则将数值四舍五入到指定的小数位数;如果 decimal_places 是负数,则将数值四舍五入到小数点左边的指定位数。 例如,如果要将数值 3.14159 四舍五入到 2 位小数,可以使用以下查询: SELECT ROUND(3.14159,...
Write a SQL query to find all customers who never order anything. Using the above tables as an example, return the following: 三、参考SQL 方法一:左外连接 1selectNameasCustomers2fromCustomers c3leftjoinOrders o4onc.Id=o.CustomerId5whereo.Idisnull; ...
For South America show population in millions and GDP in billions both to 2 decimal places. SELECTname,ROUND(population/1000000,2),ROUND(gdp/1000000000,2)FROMworldWHEREcontinent='South America'; 注意点:ROUND的用法 10. Show thenameand per-capita GDP for those countries with a GDP of at least...
练习2 SQL运行顺序 #从表student中查询姓名为猴子的学生的学号和性别 select 学号,姓名,性别 from student where 姓名='猴子'; #从表student中查询男学生的姓名和出生日期 select 姓名,出生日期,性别 from student where 性别='男'; 练习3算术运算符和比较运算符 ...
9. ROUND四舍五入:ROUND(对象数值,保留小数的位数)Show thename and population in millions and the GDP in billions for the countries of the continent 'South America'. Use the ROUND function to show the values to two decimal places.10. ROUND(参数,小数位数),小数位数为负值时,代表...
decimal_places : 四舍五入 , 小数取几位 ( 预设为 0 ) select round(123.456, 0) from dual; 返回123 select round(123.456, 1) from dual; 返回123.5 select round(-123.456, 2) from dual; 返回-123.46 1. 2. 3. 2.ceil和floor函数
其中,number 是要四舍五入的数字,decimal_places 是要保留的 小数位数。如果 decimal_places 为正数,则四舍五入到小数点后的 第 decimal_places 位;如果 decimal_places 为负数,则四舍五入到 小数点左边的第 decimal_places 位。 下面是一些示例: ``` SELECT ROUND(123.456, 2); -- 输出 123.46 SELECT RO...