在你不注意的时候,去用相关列做其他操作的时候,就会出现问题! 假如这两个字段同时存在,那么就会报错,如下:org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Reference 'key2' is ambiguous 实例 1.创建两个df演示实例 val df = sc.parallelize(Array( ("yuwen", "zhangsan", 80), ("yuwen", "lisi", 90), ("shu...
This message indicates that the two tables to be joined contain the same column, but the owner of the column is not specified when the command is executed.For example, ta
在你不注意的时候,去用相关列做其他操作的时候,就会出现问题! 假如这两个字段同时存在,那么就会报错,如下:org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Reference 'key2' is ambiguous 实例 1.创建两个df演示实例 val df = sc.parallelize(Array( ("yuwen", "zhangsan", 80), ("yuwen", "lisi", 90), ("shu...
join lot l on l.id = a.lot_id and l.numero ='20230620V327'; The result is displayed You try to edit and modify a value, and the you save it. It returns this message SQL Error [42702]: ERROR: column reference "id" is ambiguous Position : 323 Script-8.sql /Prod-rw/Scripts lin...
I am generating my query dynamically And this is something I have before passing parameters and getting this error pq: column reference "deleted_at" is ambiguousMy query isSELECT COUNT(*) FROM issues i JOIN vehicles v ON (v.id = i.vehicle_id) WHERE i.asset_owner_id = :asset_owner_id...
I'll look into this tomorrow but since the update to 2.2.0 I've noticed this issue on sentry; ProgrammingError at /app/model/1/ column reference "id" is ambiguous LINE 1: SELECT (CASE WHEN id='1' THEN 0 END) AS "ordering", "... It compla...
报错:column reference "xxx" is ambiguous 问题原因:一般是SQL中存在同名但实际上是不同列的情况时,会出现报错,例如SELECT id FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON t1.id=t2.id中,SELECT后的id字段没有指明属于t1还是t2。 解决方法:重新修改SQL语法。 ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_COLUMN ...
1 = Reference is ambiguous. 0 = Reference is unambiguous or the entity can be successfully bound when the view is called. Always 0 for schema bound references. Remarks The following table lists the types of entities for which dependency information is created and maintained. Dependency information...
When a reference is ambiguous, the dependency is reported as being ambiguous by setting the is_ambiguous column in sys.sql_expression_dependencies and sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities to 1. The following dependency information is reported: The dependency between the stored procedure and the table. ...