join lot l on = a.lot_id and l.numero ='20230620V327'; The result is displayed You try to edit and modify a value, and the you save it. It returns this message SQL Error [42702]: ERROR: column reference "id" is ambiguous Position : 323 Script-8.sql /Prod-rw/Scripts lin...
Hi, the bug 'column reference "id" is ambiguous' is resolved. But now we have a new problem when pk name is different from default (id) and the autocomplete field is a foreign key. The problem is in "SELECT (CASE WHEN the_pk_name='877' THEN 0 END) AS "ordering", "autht..."...
This message indicates that the two tables to be joined contain the same column, but the owner of the column is not specified when the command is executed.For example, ta
Column ‘sid’ in field list is ambiguous 表示sid字段重复,表明两张表中都有sid字段,使用时没有在表字段的前面加上表名,指代不明
报错:Feature not supported: INSERT on conflict contains un-unique column 问题原因:INSERT ON CONFLICT中的conflict条件使用了非主键字段。 解决方法:INSERT ON CONFLICT中的conflict条件只能使用主键。 报错:Feature not supported: UPDATE with shard keys ...
I'm trying to join 4 different table to calculate item revenue depending on some conditions ,I will write sql query after I'm able to build the right view using 4 tables ...below is the query for the view and I'm getting ambiguous column error for ik...can someone please explain why...
该字段在关联表中的出现不止一次,不知道应该查哪一张表。只需在where中加上表名即可 select source.*, t1.username as targetUserName, t2.username as sourceName from sys_message source left join sys_user t1 on source.target_user_id = ...
01542 Authorization ID does not have the privilege to perform the operation as specified. 01543 A duplicate constraint has been ignored. 01545 An unqualified column name has been interpreted as a correlated reference. 01546 A column of the explanation table is improperly defined. 01548 The authorizat...
PLSQL学习相关问题_column XX in field list is ambiguous 1.当相关联的2个表里都有同一列时,需要在前面加上“表格."的格式。如a.product_cd。