hivesql的in hiveSQL的indexof 在hive中新建表”apache_log”CREATE TABLE apachelog ( host STRING, identity STRING, user STRING, time STRING, request STRING, status STRING, size STRING, referer STRING, agent STRING) ROW FO hive sql的in
下面是一个使用INDEXOF函数的简单示例: DECLARE@stringVARCHAR(50)='Hello, world!'DECLARE@substringVARCHAR(10)='world'SELECTINDEXOF(@string,@substring)ASPosition 1. 2. 3. 4. 上述代码中,我们定义了一个字符串@string,并使用INDEXOF函数查找子字符串'world'在字符串中的位置。运行以上代码,将得到如下结果...
.Net Framework has very useful String.IndexOf that returns position of first occurrence of given char or substring in string. Although there is no function named IndexOf in T-SQL you can achieve same result with CHARINDEX and PATHINDEX function. CHARINDEX function as counterpart of IndexOf() C...
the position returned by INSTR and the other string-index search functions described here is always based on the substring’s position in the string itself, starting at the beginning of the string, and not its position in relation to the start or direction of the search. ...
IfCHARINDEX()doesn't find substring in string then it returns 0. The return value is the position of the substring from the beginning of the string and not from the start_location. Example 1: The following example searches 'e' in the string 'Hello World' and returns its index position. ...
3.String.Contains(substring) var q = from c in db.Customers where c.ContactName.Contains("Anders") select c; 语句描述:这个例子使用Contains方法查找所有其联系人姓名中包含“Anders”的客户。 4.String.IndexOf(substring) var q = from c in db.Customers select new { c.ContactName, SpacePos = ...
例如,以下SQL语句使用SUBSTRING函数提取字符串的子字符串:SELECT SUBSTRING('HelloWorld', 1, 5) as result;输出结果为'Hello'。...REPLACE函数REPLACE函数用于在字符串中替换指定的子字符串。...例如,以下SQL语句使用REPLACE函数替换字符串中的子字符串:SELECT REPLACE('HelloWorld', 'World', 'SQL') as ...
CREATEFUNCTIONSPLIT_STR(xVARCHAR(255),delimVARCHAR(12),posINT)RETURNSVARCHAR(255)RETURNREPLACE(SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING_INDEX(x,delim,pos),LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(x,delim,pos-1))+1),delim,''); 定义完成后,通过命令:SELECT SPLIT_STR(string, delimiter, position)使用,但该函数只是实现了split,但并为分离...
4.String.IndexOf(substring) varq =fromcindb.Customersselectnew{ c.ContactName, SpacePos= c.ContactName.IndexOf("") }; 语句描述:这个例子使用IndexOf方法查找每个客户联系人姓名中出现第一个空格的位置。 5.String.StartsWith(prefix) varq =fromcindb.Customerswherec.ContactName.StartsWith("Maria")se...
position(substring IN string) bigint 返回string中substring的第一个出现的位置。位置从1开始。如果未找到,则返回0 strpos(string, substring) bigint 返回string中substring的从左向右第一次出现的位置。位置从1开始。如果未找到,则返回0。 例如:strpos('abcdefg', 'a') -->1 strpos(string, substring, in...