MYSQL中有系统函数 SUBSTRING_INDEX(), 方便地实现了“一行数据拆分成多行”, SQL SERVER使用都可没这么好了。因此,我在SQL SERVER 2008中仿写了一个自定义函数 f_substring_index() 。 详细代码如下: /* Returns the substring from string str before count occurrences of the delimiter delim. If count is ...
❮Previous❮ SQL Server FunctionsNext❯ ExampleGet your own SQL Server Extract 3 characters from a string, starting in position 1: SELECTSUBSTRING('SQL Tutorial',1,3)ASExtractString; Try it Yourself » Definition and Usage The SUBSTRING() function extracts some characters from a string. ...
REVERSE(expression) SUBSTRING# 说明:截取指定长度的字符串 SUBSTRING(expression, start_location, length) 返回值:根据参数的不同,返回值的类型不同 STRING_SPLIT# 说明:将字符串分割为列 STRING_SPLIT(str_val) 实例: SELECTvalueFROMSTRING_SPLIT('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10',','); 结果: 实例: SELECT...
我们可以通过PATINDEX函数找到第一个数字字符的位置,然后使用SUBSTRING函数截取字符串的一部分,得到只包含数字字符的子字符串。此外,我们还可以通过创建自定义函数来封装提取数字的逻辑,使代码更加可维护和可重用。 希望本文对你在SQL Server中提取数字字符有所帮助! 参考资料: [SQL Server PATINDEX() Function]( [SQL...
VALUES (LEFT(@Str, @Index - 1)) SET @Str = SUBSTRING(@Str, @Index + 1, LEN(@Str)) SET @Index = CHARINDEX(@Separator, @Str) END INSERT INTO @Result (Value) VALUES (@Str) RETURN END 使用示例: SELECT * FROM dbo.fn_SplitString('Hello,World,Sql Server', ',') -- 返回分割后的...
SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(location, ',', 1) FROM my_contacts; Thanks in Advance All replies (2) Thursday, January 23, 2014 5:08 PM ✅Answered |2 votes There is no equivalent function in SQL Server. We need to write our own function. ...
This is the query as per the example in the bookSELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(location, ',', 1) FROM my_contacts;Thanks in Advance All replies (2)Thursday, January 23, 2014 5:08 PM ✅Answered | 2 votesThere is no equivalent function in SQL Server. We need to write our own function. ...
SQL SUBSTRING Usage Notes The input expression as the first argument of the SQL SUBSTRING function can be a character, text, binary value, or an image. Start, as the second argument of the SUBSTRING function, indicates the index or position to start extracting the substring. If the start val...
3839RETURNSUBSTRING(@originalStr,@start,@location-@start);40END 调用函数:select dbo.Fun_GetStrArrayStrOfIndex('978-7-5007-7234-7','-',4) 结果:7234 三、像数组一样遍历字符串中的元素 代码语言:javascript 复制 1ALTERFUNCTION[dbo].[Fun_SplitStr]2(3@originalStrVARCHAR(8000),--要分割的字符串...
(2) 字符串查找函数:CHARINDEX,PATINDEX。 (3) 长度和分析函数:DATALENGTH,SUBSTRING,RIGHT。 (4) 转换函数:ASCH,CHAR,STR,SOUNDEX,DIFFERENCE。 下面我们通过案例对重要的字符串函数进行重点的介绍。 实验: 字符串函数应用实验 --该部分函数主要解决各种字符串的处理问题 ...