is a comment that passes instructions to the optimizer on choosing an execution plan for the statement. For the syntax and description of hints, see "Hints" and Oracle8i Tuning. table_expression_clause schema is the schema containing the table or view. If you omit schema, Oracle assumes ...
How To Comment Stored Proc Best Practices How to commit adding one additional record to an SQL Server database table How to compare 2 NVARCHAR(MAX) columns in same table ? How to compare a Date with GetDate() in SQL Server 2000 ? how to compare from datetime only date,hours and minutes...
Table: Table actions include Rename, Copy (create a copy using a different name), Drop (delete the table), Truncate (delete existing data without affecting the table definition), Lock (set the table lock mode: row share, exclusive, and so on), Comment (descriptive comment explaining the use...
because comment character length limit. My scenario is Business Intelligence. DataSource can be many, such as Hive, ClickHouse, and so on. And there are many tables. I also need to dynamically delete or add datasource. So I don't think it's appropriate for Calcite to be aware of all t...
comment.multiline /*,*/ 多行注释前缀、后缀,前后缀之间使用“,”分隔,均最多支持2个字符。 macro.* 宏实现类配置。也可使用Java原生服务加载模式或者使用注解扫描模式来配置。 scan.packages 自动扫描的宏实现类包名。 macro.eval-engine cn.tenmg.dsl.eval.JavaScriptEngine 宏的逻辑代码执行引擎。 filter.type...
DBMS connection timeout interval (in seconds): [60] Maximum time to wait before a connection attempt is aborted. Other Internal Workbench Schema: [.mysqlworkbench] This schema is used by MySQL Workbench to store information required for certain operations, such as saving shared SQL snippets. ...
Add a comment 18 Summarizing the Answers I can see many different answers and ways to do this but there is the rub in this and that is the objective. Yes, the objective. If you want to only know the column names you can use SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE 1=0 or SELECT TOP ...
TheQueryContext,ExecContext, etc. variants provided bydatabase/sqlwill cause the connection to be closed if the provided context is cancelled or timed out before the result is received by the driver. LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILEsupport For this feature you need direct access to the package. Therefore...
(or even simple) UPDATE / DELETE statements, nothing happens.How to repeat:=== SQL COMMENT EXAMPLE === 1. Open MySQL Workbench and connect to a database 2. Enter an SQL Query containing an SQL Comment e.g. select host, User from mysql.db where -- host = '%' and Select_priv in...
/*Comment Here*/(SM)DROP/*comment*/sampletableDR/**/OP/*bypass blacklisting*/sampletableSELECT/*avoid-spaces*/password/**/FROM/**/Members /*! MYSQL Special SQL */ (M) 这种情况只针对 Mysql 有效SELECT /*!**32302** 1/0, */ 1 FROM tablename ...