>/* This is a comment */>SELECT1;/* This is also a comment */>SELECT/* This is a comment that spans multiple lines */1; >SELECT/* Comments are not limited to Latin characters: 评论 😊 */1; >SELECT/* Comments /* can be */nested*/1; >SELECT/* Quotes in '/*' comments "...
This section describes how to develop and configure a job.For details about how to develop a batch processing job in single-task mode, see sections Developing an SQL Scri
I have multiple lines of data all sharing the same Company id. Is there a way to 'sum' all the amounts to give me one line of data per company id using SQL Server Management Studio 2005? For example I currently have the below data... Company_Name Company_ID Amount Company610024120Comp...
It's hard to write without seeing the schema, but have you tried this: selecte.Owneras'Owner',COUNT(l.EnquiryID)as'Total Sales Lines'count(selectcount(a.salesMade)fromDayBookQuoteLineswheremonth=MONTH(e.enquirydate))astotalSold,count(selectcount(a.lostSales)fromDayBookQuoteLineswheremonth=MON...
Is the text of the comment. This is one or more character strings. Remarks Comments can be inserted on a separate line or within a Transact-SQL statement. Multiple-line comments must be indicated by /* and */. A stylistic convention often used for multiple-line comments is to begin the ...
Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Analytics Platform System (PDW) SQL database in Microsoft Fabric This article helps you decide when and how to perform index maintenance. It covers concepts such as index fragmentation and page density, and their impact on quer...
Whether the JSON records span multiple lines.Default value: false prefersDecimalType: BooleanAttempts to infer strings as DecimalType instead of float or double type when possible. You must also use schema inference, either by enablinginferSchema or using cloudFiles.inferColumnTypes with Auto Loa...
How To Comment Stored Proc Best Practices How to commit adding one additional record to an SQL Server database table How to compare 2 NVARCHAR(MAX) columns in same table ? How to compare a Date with GetDate() in SQL Server 2000 ? how to compare from datetime only date,hours and minutes...
Applies to:SQL ServerAzure SQL DatabaseAzure SQL Managed InstanceAnalytics Platform System (PDW)SQL database in Microsoft Fabric This article helps you decide when and how to perform index maintenance. It covers concepts such as index fragmentation and page density, and their impact on query perfor...
Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Analytics Platform System (PDW) SQL database in Microsoft FabricThis article helps you decide when and how to perform index maintenance. It covers concepts such as index fragmentation and page density, and their imp...