This example shows a simple use of the MIN function on a number field. We’ve used an alias here on the column to make it easier to read and work with SELECTMIN(fees_paid)ASMIN_TESTFROMstudent; Result: MIN_TEST 0 It shows the value of 0 as that is the lowest value in the fees_...
Example 5 – Analytic Function This example uses AVG as an analytic function. It finds the average fees per month. SELECTTO_CHAR(enrolment_date,'MON')ASENROLMENT_MONTH,AVG(fees_paid)ASavg_fees_paidFROMstudentGROUPBYTO_CHAR(enrolment_date,'MON'); Result: Can I Use AVG for a Date? Yes, ...
1. CREATE TABLE sname_example 1. ( 1. login_sname sysname DEFAULT SUSER_SNAME(), 1. employee_id uniqueidentifier DEFAULT NEWID(), 1. login_date datetime DEFAULT GETDATE() 1. ) 1. GO 1. INSERT sname_example DEFAULT VALUES 1. GO 1. 10USER_ID 返回用户的数据库标识号。 语法 USER_ID ...
---Example Uses of the SUBSTRING String Function -- --取名字Usage #1 : Get the First Name and Last Name from a Full Name DECLARE...
INSERT sid_example DEFAULT VALUES GO 9SUSER_SNAME 从用户的安全标识号 (SID) 返回登录标识名。 语法 SUSER_SNAME ( [ server_user_sid ] ) 参数 server_user_sid 是用户的安全标识号。server_user_sid(可选)的数据类型为 varbinary(85),可以是任何 Microsoft® SQL Server™ 登录或 Microsoft Windows ...
-- an example function which updates a hypothetical-- event_responses table which itself is distributed by event_idCREATEOR REPLACEFUNCTIONregister_for_event(p_event_idint, p_user_idint)RETURNSvoidLANGUAGEplpgsqlAS$fn$BEGININSERTINTOevent_responsesVALUES($1,$2,'yes')ONCONFLICT(event_id, user_id...
The following three examples show how an application usesSQLGetFunctionsto determine if a driver supportsSQLTables,SQLColumns, andSQLStatistics. If the driver does not support these functions, the application disconnects from the driver. The first example callsSQLGetFunctionsonce for each function. ...
Example postgresql -- an example function which updates a hypothetical-- event_responses table which itself is distributed by event_idCREATEOR REPLACEFUNCTIONregister_for_event(p_event_idint, p_user_idint)RETURNSvoidLANGUAGEplpgsqlAS$fn$BEGININSERTINTOevent_responsesVALUES($1,$2,'yes')ONCONFLICT(...
For example, if a data source does not support procedures, SQLGetInfo returns the values listed in the following table for the values of InfoType that are related to procedures.Expand table InfoTypeValue SQL_PROCEDURES "N" SQL_ACCESSIBLE_PROCEDURES "N" SQL_MAX_PROCEDURE_NAME_LEN 0 SQL_...
The functionDATS_ADD_DAYSaddsdaysdays to a specified datedate. The actual parameterdatemust have the predefined data typeDATSand should contain a valid date in the format YYYYMMDD. Any invalid date specified is initialized or set to the value "00010101" before the calculation. ...