MySQL - Select the least day of the current month/year, not necessarily the first day of the month 6 MySQL Get a list of dates in month, year 1 How to get the First day and last day of the month from given month and year in sql 3 How do I get first day of the year an...
'2013-12-31')ASWeekName--53SELECTDATENAME(WEEK,'2014-01-01')ASWeekName--1SELECTDATENAME(WEEK,'2014-01-05')ASWeekName--2--Change the DATEFIRST to 1, Monday will be the first day of week.SETDATEFIRST1SELECT@@DATEFIRST--1--After change the ...
Here's how this works: First we format the date in YYYYMMDD... format truncating to keep just the 6 leftmost characters in order to keep just the YYYYMM portion, and then append '01' as the month - and voila! you have the first day of the current month. SELECT CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(...
many ways to calculate the first day of the year in T-SQL master.sys.xp_DirTree Max number of elements allowed in an IN clause. max value for int identity column Max Value from Zero (Positive or Negative) Help max value on IDENTITY MAX(Date) from Multiple Tables Maximum impersonation nest...
Please start any new threads on our new site at . We've got lots of great SQL Server experts to answer whatever question you can come up with. All Forums SQL Server 2008 Forums Transact-SQL (2008) First and last day of each month for current year...
First I was using DATEPART to get the day of the year and then I was using GROUP BY as GROUP BY DATEPART(dd,InvoiceDate) Converting day of the year to the date was giving me error (the assumption was aslso wrong that year will always be available). I was storing DateTime (smalldateti...
(dayofyear(current_date)-1) day + (rn*3) month) dy from ( select row_number()over() rn from emp fetch first 4 rows only ) x ) y 2.2. Oracle 2.2.1. sql select rownum qtr, add_months(trunc(sysdate,'y'),(rownum-1)*3) q_start, ...
例:查找最晚入职员工的所有信息 CREATE TABLE `employees` ( `emp_no` int(11) NOT NULL, `birth_date` date NOT NULL, `first_name...对hire_date字段排序降序,此时最晚的时间排在第一个,再用LIMIT取出。...ORDER BY hire_date DESC LIMIT 0,1; LIMIT m,n : 表示从第m+1条开始,取n条数据; LI...
DATE型の場合、内挿された値は最も近い秒に丸められ、インターバル型の場合は最も近い秒(INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND)または月(INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH)に丸められます。 他の集計と同様に、逆パーセンタイル関数でも結果の評価時にNULLは無視されます。たとえば、集合内の中央値を求める場合、Oracle...