first day of week 0 for that year (may belong to previous year) + number of weeks dateadd(ww, @weekNum + datediff(wk, 0, --1. First date of the year (week 0) dateadd(YEAR, datediff(year,0, getDate()),0) ),-1) -- -1 here because 1900-01-01 (day 0) was a ...
DATEDIFF Week - First day of week query datepart(dw, date) Datetime - Out of range Datetime Value DateTime - Time round off to starting of day DateTime filter is not returning correct results Datetime in Indian Standard TimeZone (IST) DateTime Interval in "DD HH:MM:SS" Datetime Parameter s...
SELECT c.FirstName ,c.LastName ,e.BirthDate ,DATEDIFF(YEAR, e.BirthDate, GETDATE()) AS ApproximateAge ,CONVERT(int, DATEDIFF(DAY, e.BirthDate, GETDATE())/365) AS Age FROM HumanResources.Employee as e inner join Person.Contact as c on e.ContactID = c.ContactID order by c.LastName...
2.1 SELECT语句的元素 SELECT empid, YEAR(orderdate) AS orderyear, COUNT(*) AS numorders FROM Sales.Orders WHERE custid = 71 GROUP BY empid, YEAR(orderdate) HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ORDER BY empid, orderyear; 1 FROM 从Sales.Orders表查询行 2 WHERE 仅筛选客户ID等于71的订单 3 GROUP BY按雇员...
从T-SQL中的周数中获取日期 - 在Microsoft SQL Server中,我有一个周编号 (from DATEPART(wk, datecol)) 但我想做的是将其重新转换为该周的日期范围。 例如, SELECT DATEPART(wk, GETDATE()) 收...
To round to the nearest whole day, there are three approaches in wide use. The first one uses datediff to find the number of days since the 0 datetime. The 0 datetime corresponds to the 1st of January, 1900. By adding the day difference to the start date, you've rounded to a whole...
01.SELECT empid,YEAR(orderdate) AS orderyear,COUNT(*) AS numorders FROM Sales.Orders 02.WHERE custid=71GROUP BY empid,YEAR(orderdate) 03.HAVING COUNT(*) >1 04.ORDER BY empid,orderyear 05.--按照查询逻辑顺序 06.--1. from 07.--2. where ...
DECLARE @d datetime2 = '2021-12-08 11:30:15.1234567'; SELECT 'Year', DATETRUNC(year, @d); SELECT 'Quarter', DATETRUNC(quarter, @d); SELECT 'Month', DATETRUNC(month, @d); SELECT 'Week', DATETRUNC(week, @d); -- Using the default DATEFIRST setting value of 7 (U.S. English)...
SELECT SUBSTRING(shengri, 3, 2) AS year, SUBSTRING(shengri, 6, 2) AS month, SUBSTRING(shengri, 9, 2) AS day FROM lvshi WHERE (zhiyezheng = '139770070153') 3、把一个时间类型字段转换成"1970-07-06" UPDATE lvshi SET shenling = CONVERT(varchar(4), YEAR(shenling)) ...
Options include year, quarter, month, dayofyear, day, week, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, and nanosecond. Startdate and enddate specify where you want to start and end counting. If you have a large difference between your startdate and enddate values, you can use the ...