ERROR: could not load library "": /openGauss/peilq_new/cluster/app/lib/postgresql/ undefined symbol: _Z23DirectFunctionCall1CollPFmP20FunctionCallInfoDataEjmb 【原因分析】: 【日志信息】(请附上日志文件、截图、coredump信息): 2022-06-28 19:40:09.321 62bae891.5063 postgres 140...
3012 ErrorHttpResponseCodeClientError The request sent from the connector is invalid. This usually means the key name is invalid or contains invalid characters. 3013 ErrorHttpResponseCodeServerError Server responded a response code between 500 and 600. 3014 ErrorHttpQueryHeader Cannot query for re...
新增自訂 Code Analysis 規則將使用的協助程式類別之後,建立自訂規則類別,並將它命名為 AvoidWaitForDelayRule。 AvoidWaitForDelayRule 自訂規則將用來協助資料庫開發人員避免在預存程序、觸發程序和函式中使用 WAITFOR DELAY 陳述式。步驟3.1:建立 AvoidWaitForDelayRule 類別在[方案總管] 中,選取 SampleRules 專案。 在...
nullCatalogMeansCurrent: 作用: NULL数据库/表名解析方式。 使用场景: 在一些特殊情况下,当NULL被解释为使用当前catalog(数据库)时,配置为true;配置为false时,可能会抛出异常。此配置主要应对一些脚本或代码中使用NULL作为表名或列名的情况。 allowMultiQueries: 作用: 是否允许执行多个SQL查询语句(以’;'分隔)。
If xd.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then ValidateFile = "Validation failed on " & _ strXmlFile & vbCrLf & _ "===" & vbCrLf & _ "Reason: " & xd.parseError.reason & _ vbCrLf & "Source: " & _ xd.parseError.srcText & _ vbCrLf & "Line: " & _ xd.parseError.Line & vbCrLf Fil...
For example,SELECT DATEDIFF(day, '2036-03-01', '2036-02-28');returns-2, hinting that 2036 must be a leap year. This case means that if we start atstartdate2036-03-01, and then count-2days, we reach theenddateof2036-02-28. ...
SQL20306NAn index on an XML column cannot be created because of an error detected when inserting the XML values into the index. Reason code =reason-code. For reason codes related to an XML schema the XML schema identifier =xml-schema-idand XML schema data type =xml-schema-data-type. ...
SQL1291NA directory services error has been detected. Service:directory-services-type, API:API, function:function, error code:rc. Explanation An error has been detected by the directory services subsystem. Refer to the token values for details. The following is the explanation of the token values...
Identifies the batch from which code execution is requesting or holding a lock. When Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) is disabled, the BatchID value is 0. When MARS is enabled, the value for active batches is 1 to n. If there are no active batches in the session, BatchID is 0. ...
Example using error detection In the following example, the sample code computes the new childEmployeeIdvalue, and then detects any key violation and returns toINS_EMPmarker to recompute theEmployeeIdvalue for the new row: SQL USEAdventureWorks; GOCREATETABLEOrg_T1 ( EmployeeId HIERARCHYID PRIMARY...