select ad_id, # case when类似于if else语句,表示当action = 'Clicked'记为1,否则记为0,注意一定后面加上end!用sum函数计算每个不同的ad_id对应的Clicked的总数,同理用其除以后面的式子,得到ctr,并用round函数保留两位小数 round(100*sum(case when action = 'Clicked' then 1 else 0 end) / sum(case...
Check the exit code and DOS ERRORLEVEL variable after the process has exited. sqlcmd returns 0 normally, otherwise it sets the ERRORLEVEL as configured by -V. In other words, ERRORLEVEL shouldn't be expected to be the same value as the error number reported from SQL Server. The error numbe...
Return code values 0(success) or1(failure). Remarks sp_helpsubscriptionis used in snapshot and transactional replication. Permissions Execute permissions default to thepublicrole. Users are only returned information for subscriptions that they created. Information on all subscriptions is returned to memb...
新增自訂 Code Analysis 規則將使用的協助程式類別之後,建立自訂規則類別,並將它命名為 AvoidWaitForDelayRule。 AvoidWaitForDelayRule 自訂規則將用來協助資料庫開發人員避免在預存程序、觸發程序和函式中使用 WAITFOR DELAY 陳述式。步驟3.1:建立 AvoidWaitForDelayRule 類別在[方案總管] 中,選取 SampleRules 專案。 在...
The ultimate SQL, Power BI, Fabric, and AI community-led event. March 31 - April 2. Use code MSCUST for a $150 discount. Prices go up Feb 11th. Register today Training Learning path Implement finance and operations apps - Training ...
That means: You canusetheunchangedsource code both in private and commercially. When distributing, youmust publishthe source code of anychanged fileslicensed under the MPL 2.0 under a) the MPL 2.0 itself or b) a compatible license (e.g. GPL 3.0 or Apache License 2.0). ...
本地部署,注重隐私,简单高效的MYSQL审计平台。 English| 简体中文 功能 AI助手- AI助手提供SQL优化建议,帮助用户优化SQL语句,以获得更好的性能。同时AI助手还提供文本到SQL的转换功能 SQL审计- 支持创建带有标准工作流和自动语法检查器的SQL审计工单,以验证提交的SQL语句的正确性、安全性和合规性。在需要时自动生成...
public interface Macro { /** * 执行宏并解析DSL动态片段。如果返回结果为{@code true},则DSL解析立即终止,并以当前宏解析DSL动态片段的结果为DSL解析的最终结果;否则,将当前宏解析的DSL片段结果拼接到DSL的主解析结果中,并继续后续解析。 * * @param context * DSL上下文 * @param attributes * 属性表。由...
SQL1291NA directory services error has been detected. Service:directory-services-type, API:API, function:function, error code:rc. Explanation An error has been detected by the directory services subsystem. Refer to the token values for details. The following is the explanation of the token values...
本教程系列由四个部分组成。在第四部分中,你将使用机器学习服务或大数据群集将在 Python 中开发的线性回归模型部署到 SQL Server 数据库中。 本文将指导如何进行以下操作: 创建生成机器学习模型的存储过程 将模型存储在数据库表中 创建使用模型进行预测的存储过程 ...