计算一个月前的日期 |val oneMonthAgo = java.time.LocalDate.parse(currentDate).minus(Period.ofMonths(1)).toString| 使用java.time.LocalDate类解析当前日期,并通过minus方法减去一个月,最后将结果转换为字符串形式。 构建SQL查询语句 |val query = s"SELECT * FROM table WHERE date >= '$oneMonthAgo'...
1 select date_add(hiredate,interval -5 day) as hd_minus_5D, 2 date_add(hiredate,interval 5 day) as hd_plus_5D, 3 date_add(hiredate,interval -5 month) as hd_minus_5M, 4 date_add(hiredate,interval 5 month) as hd_plus_5M, 5 date_add(hiredate,interval -5 year) as hd_minus_...
1.3. PostgreSQL 1.3.1. sql select hiredate - interval '5 day' as hd_minus_5D, hiredate + interval '5 day' as hd_plus_5D, hiredate - interval '5 month' as hd_minus_5M, hiredate + interval '5 month' as hd_plus_5M, hiredate - interval '5 year' as hd...
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Theydmformat isn't supported fordate. String literal formats for month-day-year SQL SETDATEFORMAT mdy; [m]m/dd/[yy]yy [m]m-dd-[yy]yy String literal formats for month-year-day SQL SETDATEFORMAT myd; [m]m/[yy]yy/dd [m]m-[yy]yy-dd ...
Current Date minus one year Current month and Previous Month Current Month vs Previous Month within single stored procedure Current Timestamp shows wrong time CURRENT WEEK SQL QUERY Cursor already exists Cursor vs Batch CURSOR vs. CTE Cursor with input-parameter Cursorfetch: The number of variables...
DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate())+1, 0)) -- 上个月的第一天 SELECT DATEADD(m,-1, ...
[Android.Runtime.Register(".ctor", "(IIIIIII)V", "")] [System.Obsolete("deprecated")] public Timestamp (int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute, int second, int nano); Parameters year Int32 the year minus 1900 month Int32 0 to 11 date Int32 1 to 31 hour Int...
The date data can be specified with four, six, or eight digits. A six- or eight-digit string is always interpreted as ymd. The month and day must always be two digits. A four-digit string is interpreted as year. Expand table ODBC Description { d 'yyyy-mm-dd' } ODBC API specific...