-- 将日期字段转换为日期类型 SELECT cast(date_field AS DATE) AS date_column FROM table_name; 1. 2. 3. 步骤二:使用date_sub函数进行日期减法操作 在HiveSQL中,可以使用date_sub函数进行日期减法操作,示例如下: -- 日期减一年操作 SELECT date_sub(date_column, 365) AS date_minus_one_year FROM ta...
制作时间戳时,只需从当前时间(毫秒)中减去一个小时(1小时= 60 * 60 * 1000毫秒)
计算一个月前的日期 |val oneMonthAgo = java.time.LocalDate.parse(currentDate).minus(Period.ofMonths(1)).toString| 使用java.time.LocalDate类解析当前日期,并通过minus方法减去一个月,最后将结果转换为字符串形式。 构建SQL查询语句 |val query = s"SELECT * FROM table WHERE date >= '$oneMonthAgo'...
MINUS 的语法如下:[SQL 语句 1]MINUS [SQL 语句 2]举例:Store_Information 表格 store_name Sales Date Los Angeles $1500 Jan-05-1999 San Diego $250 Jan-07-1999 Los Angeles $300 Jan-08-1999 Boston $700 Jan-08-1999 Internet Sales 表格 Date Sales Jan-07-1999 $250 Jan-...
MINUS 的语法如下: [SQL 语句 1] MINUS [SQL 语句 2] 举例: Store_Information 表格 store_name Sales Date Los Angeles $1500 Jan-05-1999 San Diego $250 Jan-07-1999 Los Angeles $300 Jan-08-1999 Boston $700 Jan-08-1999 Internet Sales 表格 Date Sales ...
在oracle中用minus: select f_date from table1 minus select f_date from table2 结果: 2009-6-1 并集:union: select × from a union (all) select × from b aUb 交集: intersect: select × from a intersect select × from b anb 差集: minus: select × from a minus select × from b a-...
Current Date minus one year Current month and Previous Month Current Month vs Previous Month within single stored procedure Current Timestamp shows wrong time CURRENT WEEK SQL QUERY Cursor already exists Cursor vs Batch CURSOR vs. CTE Cursor with input-parameter Cursorfetch: The number of varia...
1.3. PostgreSQL 1.3.1. sql select hiredate - interval '5 day' as hd_minus_5D, hiredate + interval '5 day' as hd_plus_5D, hiredate - interval '5 month' as hd_minus_5M, hiredate + interval '5 month' as hd_plus_5M, hiredate - interval '5 year' as hd...
+(plus) or-(minus) is the mandatory sign of the time zone offset. This sign indicates that, to obtain the local time, the time zone offset is added or subtracted from the Coordinated Universal Times (UTC) time. The valid range of time zone offset is from-14:00to+14:00. ...
SELECT 语句的查询结果是元组的集合,所以多个 SELECT 语句的结果可进行集合操作。集合操作主要包括并操作 UNION、交操作 INTERSECT 和差操作 MINUS。 1.并集(UNION) 并集操作 UNION 用于合并两个或多个 SELECT 语句的结果集,去除重复的行。 示例: 查询计科 0701 班的学生及年龄小于 20 岁的学生。