-- 创建一个包含当前日期及前30天日期的临时表CREATETEMPORARYTABLElast_30_daysASSELECTdate_sub(current_date,n)ASdateFROM(SELECTexplode(sequence(0,29))ASn)t;-- 查询临时表SELECT*FROMlast_30_daysORDERBYdateDESC; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 在上述代码中,首先我们使用sequence(0, 29)生成0到29的...
selectname,submittimefromenterprisewheredate_format(submittime,'%Y-%m')=date_format(DATE_SUB(curdate(), INTERVAL 1MONTH),'%Y-%m') select*from`user`whereDATE_FORMAT(pudate,' %Y%m ') = DATE_FORMAT(CURDATE(),' %Y%m ') ; select*fromuserwhereWEEKOFYEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(pudate,'%y-%m-%d'))...
misleading. GetDate() returns the date and the time. So.. if it's 3:00 pm, you will get records from 30 days ago that have a time greater than 3:00 PM. You will not return rows where the date is 30 days ago and the time is less than 3:00 pm (or whatever time GetDate(...
5、datediff(date1,date2):date1-date2,返回两个日期间的天数差;个别系统这个函数有第三个参数,更改第三个参数值可以得到两个时间的年、月、日、时、分、秒等差值。 selectdatediff('2021-01-01','2022-01-01') days; 输出结果:==> -365 6、last_day(date):hive平台函数,返回给定日期所在月份的最后月...
SELECT to_char(last_day(SYSDATE),'dd') days FROM dual 今年的天数 select add_months(trunc(sysdate,'year'), 12) - trunc(sysdate,'year') from dual 下个星期一的日期 SELECT Next_day(trunc(SYSDATE),'monday') FROM dual === 计算工作日方法 create table t(s date,e ...
SQL Server对于XML支持的核心在于XML数据的格式,这种数据类型可以将XML的数据存储于数据库的对象中,比如...
difference between the dates is < 30, dividing it by 30 is 0. If the difference is >=30 ...
The last parameter is the date we’re adding days to. In our case it is theProduct.SelStartDatecolumn. You can also use DATEADD() to subtract days. To subtract day 30 days, use-30as the second parameter. dateadd(day,-30,SellStartDate) ...
SELECT LAST_DATE(TO_DATE('2008-3-27','YYYY-MM-DD')) FROM dual 10、MONTHS_BETWEEN()函数-Oracle中 MONTHS_BETWEEN(date1,date2)函数,用于获取两个日期date1和date2之间的月份数。date2-date1 如果两个日期在月份内的天数相同,如两个都是某月的20日,则该函数会返回一个整数;否则返回一个带小数的数...