ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended 错误处理 ORA-00933 是 Oracle 数据库中常见的错误之一,表示 SQL 命令没有正确结束。这个错误通常是由于 SQL 语句的语法问题导致的。下面是一些处理这个错误的步骤和考虑因素: 1. 检查 SQL 语句的完整性 确保语句末尾有分号:Oracle 中,每个独立的 SQL 语句应该以分号 ...
ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended 基于这个报错,网上有很多答案,包括: 1.在INSERT语句中使用了JOIN或者ORDER BY 2.在UPDATE语句中使用了JOIN 3.在DELETE语句中使用了ORDER BY 4.在SELECT语句中使用了UNION或UNION ALL,并且在非结尾的地方使用了ORDER BY 5.在SELECT语句表之间忘记了逗号, 6.在Oracle 8...
报错:ORA-00933: SQL 命令未正确结束 / ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended ;意思就是 语法错误 原因: oracle 批量插入与mysql 的批量插入的方式是不同的, insert into tablename()values(),(),(); ---这个是mysql 的批量插入形式 insert all into tablename() values() into tablename() values...
比较好的博客有How To Resolve ORA-00933 SQL Command Not Properly Ended 可以说这个问题产生的原因五花八门 我的问题也很奇怪,我使用Navicat直连数据库,并执行语句进行测试,测试通过 delete from d1 where ID in (select d1.ID from d1 join d2 on d1.d2ID = d2.ID where d2.xxx = '...'); 1...
报错:ORA-00933: SQL 命令未正确结束 / ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended ;意思就是 语法错误 原因: oracle 批量插入与mysql 的批量插入的方式是不同的, insert into tablename()values(),(),(); ---这个是mysql 的批量插入形式 insert all into tablename() values() into tablename() values...
ORA-00933 SQL command not properly ended Cause:The SQL statement ends with an inappropriate clause. For example, an ORDER BY clause may have been included in a CREATE VIEW or INSERT statement. ORDER BY cannot be used to create an ordered view or to insert in a certain order....
sql批量插入值,不应该是这样吗 <foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" separator=";" > insert into hr_person_rec_tmpes (PERSONID,SINGSNAME,SINGSVALUES,INPUTTIME,WARCODE)values (#{item.PERSONID},#{item.SINGSNAME},#{item.SINGSVALUES},#{item.INPUTTIME},#{item...
INSERT Statement If you’re getting an “ORA-00933 sql command not properly ended” on INSERT, then it could be because: You have a JOIN keyword (such as INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN) in the query. You have an ORDER BY in the query. ...
SQL command not properly ended org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [DELETE FROM OMOP_COHORT.cohort_inclusion WHERE cohort_definition_id = 3;]; nested exception is java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended at org.spring...
问题:用mybaits 批量插入数据到Oracle 数据库的时候, 报错: ORA-00933: SQL 命令未正确结束 / ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended...; 意思就是 语法错误 原因: oracle 批量插入与mysql 的批量插入的方式是不同的, insert into tablename()values(),(),(); ---这个是mysql ...