但使用Oracle.DataAccess或者Oracle.ManagedDataAccess执行该语句的时候,报错: ORA 00933: SQL command not properly ended 这令我百思不得其解,后来通过测试发现:把最后的分号去掉就可以了,即变成: deletefromd1whereIDin(selectd1.IDfromd1joind2ond1.d2ID=d2.IDwhered2.xxx='...') 这里Mark一下,如果有...
针对您遇到的 ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended 错误,以下是一些可能的解决方案和检查点,帮助您定位和修正问题: 确认SQL语句结尾是否正确: 确保SQL语句以分号 ; 结尾。Oracle SQL通常需要在每条语句的末尾使用分号。 示例: sql SELECT * FROM employees; 检查SQL语句中是否有未闭合的括号、引号等: ...
1 Insert query showing an error 3 ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended in insert command 0 Oracle 11g _ ORA-00904 error message with Insert statement 0 ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended with INSERT INTO...SELECT statement 0 "SQL command not properly ended" - inse...
Oracle Communications Order and Service Management - Version 7.0.3 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.SymptomsIn OSM and the user receive the error "SQL command not properly ended" when configure your Worklist Preferences.To reproduce the error:1) Deploy the att...
ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended SQL> 分析: 为什么命令没有恰当的结束?你知道你可以使用一个/来结束一个SQL语句。另一个笨蛋。ORDER BY条件不能使用在CREATE VIEW语句中。而是使用GROUP BY来代替。在这里查询处理器在ORDER BY条件之前寻找一个结束符(分号或斜线),因为处理器假定ORDER BY不是CREATE VI...
-- 错误在xml里,xml version要小写 encoding要小写 ="gb2312"后面要有问号-- $B/COMMAND/IN/VALUE' 中间多了/IN-- xml 要区分大小写的,select * from xmltable('$B/COMMAND/VALUE' PASSING XMLTYPE('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?> <COMMAND> <VALUE> <OUT...
When trying to explain a query on an Oracle backend, the function errors as follows: library(DBI) library(dplyr) library(dbplyr) library(ROracle) con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("Oracle"), "PDB", username = "USER" password = "PWD") tbl(con, in_schema("SCHEMA","TEST")) |> explain() ...
Oracle : ORA 00933: SQL command not properly ended 基于这个报错,网上有很多答案,包括: 1.在INSERT语句中使用了JOIN或者ORDER BY 2.在UPDATE语句中使用了JOIN 3.在DELETE语句中使用了ORDER BY 4.在SELECT语句中使用了UNION或UNION ALL,并且在非结尾的地方使用了ORDER BY...
ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended I have tried it without the semi-colon as well as with, but both give me the error. I am certain that the variables are being bound as well. All my Google searches show that this is usually caused by an ORDER BY clause, but ...
The below query in Oracle SQL gives me a table which consists of ID, Key , Value. I want to convert the Keys to columns and Values as column values while keeping ID as the ID of the row. I tried a PIVOT query. But I get an error - ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ...