A CASE statement in SQL Server evaluates an expression and returns a value based on the defined conditions. Therefore, in the earlier example, the CASE statements work as shown below. At a high-level, the syntax for a SQL CASE statement is shown below. Here, we specified multiple conditions...
SQL CASE statement with multiple conditions In case you need the result to satisfy multiple conditions, you can add those conditions to the T-SQL CASE statement and combine them with the AND operator: CASE expression WHEN condition1 AND condition2 THEN result1 ELSE result2 END ...
Different Formats of CASE Statements A simple CASE statement expression In this format, we evaluate one expression against multiple values. In a simple case statement, it evaluates conditions one by one. Once the condition and expression are matched, it returns the expression mentioned in THEN cla...
sql case statement
Nesting CASE Expressions With the searched CASE expression, we can have multiple WHEN conditions: SELECT [BusinessEntityID],[JobTitle],[HireDate],Seniority=CASE WHENDATEDIFF(YEAR,[HireDate],GETDATE())>10 THEN'Longer than 10 years'WHENDATEDIFF(YEAR,[HireDate],GETDATE())=10 THEN'Exactly 10 ye...
Hi, I am trying to get data from a table to a datapage calculated field based on conditions that are chosen in the data page.. I get to work without any CASE & WHEN conditions i.e. if I only have to SELECT from one column, but that only takes me halfway.
CASE表达式是用来判断条件的,条件成立时返回某个值,条件不成立时返回另一个值。 语法: CASEWHENComparsionConditionTHENresultWHENComparsionConditionTHENresultELSEotherEND (注:各分支返回的数据类型需一致。) (注:when子句一定要有排他性,因为当when子句为真时,剩余的when子句会被忽略。) ...
CASE statement Selects an execution path based on multiple conditions. Compound SQL statement Encloses SQL statements with BEGIN and END keywords. Compound SQL (inlined) statement Combines one or more other SQL statements into an dynamic block. Compound SQL (embedded) statement Combines one or more...
CASE is a Control Flow statement that acts a lot like an IF-THEN-ELSE statement to choose a value based on the data. The CASE statement goes through conditions and returns a value when the first condition is met. So, once a condition is true, it will short circuit, thereby ignoring lat...