case WHEN cast(`status` AS SIGNED) < 45 THEN '1' WHEN cast(`status` AS SIGNED) > 44 AND...
SQL CASE statement with multiple conditions In case you need the result to satisfy multiple conditions, you can add those conditions to the T-SQL CASE statement and combine them with the AND operator: CASE expression WHEN condition1 AND condition2 THEN result1 ELSE result2 END ...
在SQL语句中使用IF或CASE with multiple条件的作用是根据不同的条件执行不同的操作或返回不同的结果。这些条件可以是基于列的值、函数的结果、逻辑表达式等。 使用IF语句可以根据条件执行不同的操作。IF语句的基本语法如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 IF condition THEN statement1; ELSE statement2; END IF; 其中,conditio...
DECODE is considered the most powerful function in Oracle. Oracle 8i release introduced the CASE expression. The CASE expression can do all that DECODE does plus lot of other things including IF-THEN analysis, use of any comparison operator and checking multiple conditions, all in a SQL query i...
In the tipSQL Server CASE Expression Overview, Aaron has written a section about data type precedence in the CASE expression. Nesting CASE Expressions With the searched CASE expression, we can have multiple WHEN conditions: SELECT [BusinessEntityID],[JobTitle],[HireDate],Seniority=CASE WHENDATEDIFF...
But what if you also wanted to count a couple other conditions? Using theWHEREclause only allows you to count one condition. Here's an example of counting multiple conditions in one query: SELECT CASE WHEN year = 'FR' THEN 'FR' WHEN year = 'SO' THEN 'SO' WHEN year = 'JR' THEN ...
请注意,sql通常不考虑排序,因此结果可以按任何顺序返回,甚至可以使用order by,具有相同键的行可以是...
PostgreSQLCASEs can have multiple conditions. There are a handful of entries in the table where the name of country and capital is the same. You can add this to your previously constructedCASE- SELECTname,continent,indep_year,CASEWHEN(indep_year<1900)AND('bef...
SQL WITHData(value)AS(SELECT0UNIONALLSELECT1)SELECTCASEWHENMIN(value) <=0THEN0WHENMAX(1/value) >=100THEN1ENDFROMData; GO You should only depend on order of evaluation of the WHEN conditions for scalar expressions (including non-correlated subqueries that return scalars), not for aggregate exp...